Shinbaku - Sleep

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It was another usual night in the 1 A dorms. The moonlight shined through the curtains, the appliances hummed quietly, everyone was asleep, well, almost everyone.

Our favorite purple haired insomniac was awake to get a glass of water. He was walking down the not-so-familiar hallways back to find his room, since he had just joined the class from 1 C and was not familiar with any of his surroundings, when all of a sudden he heard whimpering coming from another room. He turned to the door and stopped walking, wanting to help as he had felt the pain of a nightmare before. He slowly approached the door and said, "Hey, you alright?" Only to get no answer. He knocked slowly, but had gotten no response, so said a quick and soft, "i'm coming in," before coming in after a few seconds, and what he saw had shocked him. On the bed, was Bakugou, shaking slightly with the covers draping off the bed, whimpering. He closed the door and slowly walked over to the bed, and draped the covers on the ash blond, shaking him slightly trying to wake him.

After a few moments, the sleeping boy's eyes shot open, and looked around in confusion and fear, only to see shinsou. He scooted away from the purplette, still unknown to what was going on. "Hey, it's ok. It's just me, Shinsou." He said. Bakugo however, still didn't understand what was happening. "Is it ok if i touch you?" asked Shinsou. The blond reluctantly agreed, as the taller male slowly brought his arms out to hug the small boy. After a few moments, he broke into tears, sobbing into Shinsou's shoulder. Shinsou just sat there and reassured the boy, rubbing his back and whispering sweet nothings into his ear. After a few minutes, the sobbing slowed down into small sniffles, then complete silence as Bakugou calmed completely.

Shinsou looked at him, checking if he's awake or not, only to find out that he fell asleep. The purplette layed down the blond and tucked him in, about to leave, only to get pulled back by the sleeping boy. He smiled softly as he got into bed with him and draped the blankets on the both of them, and smiled as Bakugou cuddled up to him. He hugged him back and kissed the boy's forehead gently before slowly drifting off to sleep, finally getting a good night's rest without his insomnia interfering.

"Oi, rise and shine extra." Shinsou groggily awoke and sat up, squinting and blinking to adjust to the light. "Y'know, your hair is surprisingly soft." Said the purplette, out of nowhere. "Shut up." Replied the blond, glaring at the other. "Just. . .ignore what happened last night. Happens all the time." Said Bakugou, as Shinsou's face shifted into worry. "Ok, I won't speak, but if you never need anyone to vent to, I'm always here." He said. Bakugou smiled, but quickly changed his face to hide it, but the other saw it. "Wow did the great Bakugou Katsuki just smile?" He said, smirking. "Sh-Shut up!" Replied the short male, feeling a bit of heat rise to his face. Shinsou stood up from where he was, and walked over to where Bakugou was standing, looking down at his slightly red face, and quickly pecked him on the lips before running off towards his room to prepare for class. Bakugou took a while to process what just happened, as his face increased in hue and started yelling, the screaming got louder until the people near him yelled at him to shut up. Shinsou ran from where he was, face glowing red at what he just did, but grinned when he heard the yelling and explosions coming from a certain hothead, and went up his room, to shower and admire the damage he just caused to Bakugou's ego.


<Author Note>

So, uh, my first time writing

Pls help i have no idea how to write on wattpad i use google docs im dying

Still, hope you enjoyed the short i wrote at 2 in the morning and have a good day/afternoon/evening/night


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