Chapter 6: The Hand of Warmth and Snow! Youth is Here!

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Tracking down the dog demon proved to be an easy feat with her powerful smelling skills and the assistance of A-Un's sensitive nose. The problem lay at his location. Sesshomaru's sword had transported the damn dog to a place considerably far from the half-breed Inuyasha's gang, about two to three days away in walking distance. Whether it was for his safety or otherwise, Koko didn't know nor care to learn the reason behind the sword's actions. She only wanted her fan back.

Yet, despite all the effort she placed into finding the mongrel, he had the gall to be extremely rude and prideful about it.

"Why did you help me?" injured and in no condition to attempt fighting Inuyasha again for the time being, the lord's eyes were sharp and cold. In his hands, he clutched her steel fan, taking it hostage. A-Un had left to retrieve Jaken and would not return unless she called, meaning she had no assistance in the fight for her fan. "I do not need help from a half-breed."

As if she would brush such an insult aside.

This ungrateful little...

"You're the one that brought me here from my home!" the snow wolf snapped back, the hackles of her tail flinching upwards in response. "So you better expect me to do something when you're about to die! Who's supposed to take me home if you're dead, you damn dog demon lord! Next time I'll just leave you in the dirt! You can die for all I care!"

Making me waste time on him! She stormed off with a growl. Stupid dog! I won't come back even if he cries!

Five minutes later, Sesshomaru had been a witness to her grumpy return. The woman sent him a glare (mighty brave of her, for someone that had been so careful to watch his temperament), before jumping into the trees to hide within the leaves. Although it did little for her blue hair. As much as she preferred to be further away, it was not in her best interest to leave the dog demon to his own devices. Whether the man liked it or not, he had been injured and should avoid engaging in any type of battle, weaklings or not.

He's lucky I'm such a nice person.

Silence reigned in the forest for a solid hour, only accompanied by the soft rustles of leaves and the breeze. Neither had peeped a word to the other, albeit Sesshomaru had been careful to watch his grasp on the fan. For someone that claimed to have no need of a half-breed's help, he seemed quite keen to keep her around... or only wanted to make sure there was a reason for the treasure not to run and attempt an adventure back to the Mountain. Either could be a plausible reason with such a fickle dog. Whatever his intentions were, his lack of words had given the snow wolf enough time to calm down and assess the situation.

Personally, the smell of a certain wolf demon had been of such minuscule importance she decided not to mention it. On the other hand, while the scent of a human trailing suspiciously about the lord's location had been the least of her concern for the past hour; it had also been the last thing she expected from a human-hating demon.

"... say, Lord Sesshomaru, has a human child been coming by lately?" Pride had been taken over by curiosity. It made her cringe, but what did it matter when she had already crushed it to spend time with this demon? She would not apologise. He probably wasn't expecting one either. It was better to change the subject while she had the chance. "I can smell one all around you, about 10 years old, I think. Actually, probably younger."

His eyes noticeably widened, his gaze immediately shooting its attention to the tree the Mountain's treasure had hidden in. "How could you tell it was a child?"

"Huh? By smell obviously." Poking her head out from the leaves, she gave him a deadpan expression, obviously not impressed. Seeing as the Lord was a powerful canine, of all people, he should know the basic techniques. "Weren't you taught how to smell aging by your family?"

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