The Obvious Relationship

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Neil just kept thinking "we're both gay just let me kiss you!"
so thats what he did, as Dallas laid on his bed, Neil leaned down and placed a gentle on Dallas's lips.
Neil was surprised, It felt good... it felt great. Dallas must've been thinking the same thing, because after Neil pulled away from his kiss,
Dallas reached up, put one hand on the back of Neil's head, and pulled him gently towards him
"oh no, you don't just give me a kiss, if you give me a kiss, I'm going to give you a bigger, better kiss."
Neil smiled, and Dallas pulled even harder. Neil's face crashed into Dallas's lips. Dallas kissed him, straight on the lips, pushing his tongue further and further into Neil's mouth. After a while, Dallas decided to explore...his best friend, he kissed Neil's tender lips once more, and then went to his cheeks, then chin, and eventually he kissed his new lovers neck. Neil twitched, Dallas stopped, "You okay?" he whispered. "Yeah." was the soft, loving reply. Dallas rubbed Neil's soft, tanned face. "Okay, I'll just stop touching your neck. Sorry, I've never done this bef-" He was cut off by a sharp bark of "NO!" from Neil. It was so sudden it shocked Dallas.
"sorry." Neil said "I really liked that." Neil let out, embarrassed.
"Well in that case, I'll do it more."
Neil blushed, and leaned back on the pillows, and relaxed. He was expecting some kissing and smothering. He didn't expect what happened next.
Dallas kissed him gently on the neck. Neil shivered at the feeling, he started panting gently, (big mistake) Dallas heard his best friend breathing deeply, and decided to give him more. He rubbed Neil's sides, and kissed his neck harder and harder, Neil knew what he was trying to do.
"Ha" laughed Neil "I'm resisting you!"
Dallas chuckled and decided that that meant he wasn't doing it well enough. He kept kissing and rubbing, waiting for a good idea to come to mind. Then, he had one... he rubbed harder, and bit Neil's neck.
Neil rocked his hips and let out a perfect moan.
He bit, more and more, all over his neck, all the way down to his collarbone. Neil moaned his new lovers name.
Dallas liked this, then, just to torture him, he stopped biting.
Neil sat up, and leaned over Dallas.
"That was amazing baby" Neil moaned.
"Thanks, I'm getting tired. Not of you of course, just actually tired."
"great, then let me find out what makes you moan."
Dallas moved away, "no, you shouldn't" Dallas panted.
As He backed away Neil came closer and closer, until Dallas was pinned on the corner of the bed. Neil straddled him, and Dallas started to pant loudly.
This was the new heaven.

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