10】︎ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴇꜱꜱʏ ʜᴏᴏᴋᴜᴘ

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︎ ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・

"To have been loved so deeply, even though the person who loved us is gone, will give us some protection forever

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"To have been loved so deeply, even though the person who loved us is gone, will give
us some protection forever."

~ J.K. Rowling

Johnny was first and foremost your neighbor.

When he had learned that you worked at a dive bar at night, he was insistent that he teach you some self defense.

Johnny was second your sensei.

Ever since you started these little training sessions, you noticed that the dynamic between you and him change into a more intimate relationship. The first time you noticed was when he pinned you to the ground on the mat and you felt a pool of arousal between your legs.

He got off of you, much to your dismay and went on with training.

The second time you noticed was when you were punching the pads attached to his arms.
You were grunting with each hit and you were fully aware of the effect it was placing on your neighbor.

After one final grunt, he narrowed his eyes before pulling away.

"That's enough for today." He stated almost painfully as you looked at him.

"What? Why? We just started?" You replied quizzically as he shook his head.

"I'm not feeling good." He shrugged as you rolled your eyes in annoyance.

"Well, can you give me a ride home? My car is in the shop." I asked.

"Yeah, come one." He nods.

The ride home was quiet as you stared at Johnny, trying to glimpse inside what's going on through his head. He stared straight ahead, both hands on the steering wheel as you continued staring at him.

"Will you stop that?" He asked as he pulled up to the parking lot of your apartments.

"Stop what?" You asked innocently as he sent you a glare that sent chills down your spine.

"Staring," casually replying, he moved to open the car door before your hand shot out and grabbed his, preventing him from leaving.

"Will you tell me what's going on?" You asked as he tried to pull out of your grasp, but you remained firm on your hold.

"No, (Y/n). I just don't feel good," he shrugged but the red tint to his face told a different story as you smirked and quickly glanced down to your lab, subtly looking at the tight constriction in his pants.

Glancing back up at him, you smiled softly, urging him to sit down as you took off your seat belt.

"Relax, Johnny, just let me take care of you," you whispered seductively as he visibly gulped while you ran your hands along his jeans, enjoying the fact that he was subconsciously spreading his legs for you.

Raising an eyebrow, you peered through the windshield to make sure no body was watching you. When you made sure the coast was clear, you unbuttoned his pants and lowered them, eyeing his bulge with lust.

Squirming in his seat, Johnny glanced down at you with curiosity as you rubbed your palm against his cock, causing him to release a groan.
After rubbing him for a while to make sure he was fully erect and throbbing, you gently lowered his boxers as he hissed causing you to smirk.

"God, (Y/N), I need you!" He panted as you wrapped your hand around his shaft, spitting on it to use as lube.

Leaning your head down, you licked your way up from the base of his cock to the tip before wrapping your lips around his leaking tip.

After swirling around his head for a minute, you slowly lowered yourself, bobbing your head up and down.

Immediately Johnny placed a hand in your hair and took control, forcing you all the way down his cock, making you gag slightly as he started to thrust in your mouth.

Hollowing out your cheeks, you looked up at him through hooded eyes and almost come at the sight of his flushed cheeks and closed eyes.

With one hand wrapped around his ball sack, you trailed the other hand up underneath his shirt, dragging your nails down his toned torso and fiddling with his trail of hair leading to his cock.

Suddenly his breathing picked up and his thrusts into your mouth became erratic and you could tell he was close.

Pulling away, he looked at you with confusion as you jerked him off with your hand.

"Cum on my face baby." you whispered and that was all that he needed before he came all over your face, ribbons of his hot cum decorating your face.

A loud cough startled the two of you as you looked up, unconscious of the white ribbons dripping off your face as you and Johnny looked at Carmen who looked pissed.

"Is this really how you break up with me?" Your neighbor, Carmen stated with tears threatening to spill.

"We aren't broken up!"Johnny stated with confusion as you shot up and wiped away the cum on your face.

"You're still dating her!" You yelled, slapping him hard against his cheek and getting out of the car to look at Carmen.

"I'm so sorry Carmen, if I'd known you guys were still together, I would have never." You stated as Carmen looked back at Johnny.

"You told her we weren't together!" She yelled as Johnny shrunk back in his seat.

"We're over." She stated before storming off.

"What the hell dude? You promised me."

" I know, I know I'm sorry"

"I'm done with your stupid lessons."

Walking away, you turned back to look at him, contemplating on kicking his door.

Deciding against it, you ran to your apartment, planning to move out of the dump that you were now in.

Deciding against it, you ran to your apartment, planning to move out of the dump that you were now in

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𝔍𝔬𝔥𝔫𝔫𝔶 𝔩𝔞𝔴𝔯𝔢𝔫𝔠𝔢


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