Part 9

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I didn't call Lisa right back, despite the fact that I desperately wanted to. I couldn't believe seeing her once was all it took to reignite my obsession for her.

That was the only thing I could call it. A complete and total obsession. She was already, once again, my absolute everything. I found it hard to focus on anything else.

I needed to give her time, though. Time to be less angry at me. I thought maybe she'd call me when she was ready, when her mind began to change, but that phone call never came.

Which made me nervous. Maybe her mind wasn't going to change. But I was still going to try.

Especially now that I lived back in our hometown. I felt like I had nothing left to lose. I could spend the rest of my time here doing nothing but trying to find ways to focus on her.

Which was basically all I was doing. That and spending a lot of time with my mother. Doing everything she wanted me to do, accepting the anger she had for me too.

My father never expressed any of his anger, though he also had a right to. But no, he acted pretty much normal with me at all times. Friendly, even. I think he was pretty happy to have me home again.

Surprisingly, I was happy to be home too. I couldn't believe I dreaded coming back here this much. All because I didn't want to see Lisa... and now all I wanted to do was see her!

Yeah, the irony was not lost on me.

I should have come back years ago. Even better, I should have come back the same week I left. And had I known that after I left, Lisa hadn't even realized I meant for good, I probably would have come back. We could have gone back to normal... Everything could have been absolutely fine.

But there was no reason to focus on the past now. I had to focus on the future by telling myself there was still a chance I could win her back.

Waiting a week for her to call was about all I could take. When she didn't, I decided I'd make my first move.

I wasn't going to do it with a phone call, either. That didn't speak to my feelings enough. I needed to make a grand gesture and I absolutely had to make it in person.

I told my mom that I was going to be out for the evening, and though she played twenty questions with me trying to figure out where I was going, I brushed them all off. She did agree though that she wouldn't be needing anything tonight with my father home and told me to have fun, doing whatever it was.

To be honest, I wasn't any good at grand romantic gestures. But I was going to do my absolute best. I first had to stop by the grocery store.

I got her a bouquet of roses first. Then I searched the store for all the foods that used to be her favorites and hoped that some of those foods had stuck.

I got her gummy candies, rocky road ice cream, a meat lover's frozen pizza, and extra butter popcorn. I realized as I was in line to purchase it that it was all complete junk food and that she'd probably refined her tastes since high school.

Even if she did though, oh well. This was still going to show her that even after all these years, I knew her favorite things. That she had always been on my mind.

I took the groceries and the flowers directly to her house. I didn't even bother with a text so I had no idea if she'd be there, but it was a Sunday afternoon and I couldn't see a reason why she'd be gone.

When I arrived, I didn't see a car in the driveway, but I didn't remember seeing a car the first time I came to her house either. She probably parked in the garage.

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