Part 12

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After Jennie got the news that her Mom was in remission, everything changed between us, for the better.

My fears of lack of commitment had pretty much dissipated. It wasn't just fun between us anymore. It was not just Jennie showing up at my house at night and on the weekends.

She finally invited me to her house. I got to see her parents again, which was amazing. I was mildly worried about how they'd react to us dating, but they were both so wonderful. Her mom seemed especially glad to see me again.

And I was glad to be back. Not just because it reminded me of what we had when we were younger, but because I felt like we were forming a more serious future.

We got to see each other more too. I came over to her house while she was helping her mom or spending time with her family. We even slept in her old room some nights. That part was a little odd. But also comforting in a weird way.

Just like when we were in high school, most mornings she woke up before me. The first night I woke up in her bed alone was like the worst déjà vu I ever felt. I panicked for a moment until she came back in bed with pancakes. Since then, it stressed me out a lot less.

On this particular morning, I was awoken by Lyla, her kitten. This was usually how I woke up when I was at her house.

Lyla was such a sweetheart. She reminded me a lot of Callie except a lot more energetic. She'd lay in your lap sometimes, but she loved to play. She was batting the loose hair on my forehead when I woke up.

I reached out to pet her. "Hey, sweet girl," I whispered and smiled.

Waking up to Lyla was nice. I wasn't much of a morning person but who can be upset with a kitten in your face? Plus, I had a real soft spot for Lyla.

If it weren't for her, I never would've ended up with Jennie again. Finding her that day was the best thing that ever happened to me. I honest to God never thought I could be this happy...

She leaped onto my chest and I rolled over in bed. I already knew Jennie was gone; I couldn't feel her on the bed. I assumed she'd be back in here with breakfast at any minute, though.

I rolled over again and hear a small crunching sound. I immediately shot up in bed to find a folded up piece of paper on the pillow next to me.

For a moment, my heart sank. It felt like I might be in a nightmare, reliving that previous awful memory. But I knew I was awake.

I opened it slowly, cautiously, not knowing what to expect.


In this bed many years ago, I made the biggest mistake of my life. I walked away from you. And for that, I'll never be able to forgive myself. I'm so sorry for the years I cost us.

But I want to correct that, here and now. I can't get back the years we lost but I can do everything in my power to make sure every year from this point forward is the best of our lives. I want to spend every day making you happy. You are the light of my life and I never want to live in darkness again.

Will you marry me?


I gasped and clutched my hand to my face as Jennie walked in. She was grinning from ear to ear, a small velvet red box in her hand.

"Baby, what are you doing?" I gasped again. She knelt down on the floor in front of the bed.

"Lisa, I'm committed to you. Fully and completely, and I want to be committed to you every day for the rest of my life. Will you marry me?"

And now I understood. "Baby, if you want to show you're committed to me, you know you don't have to do all this, right? I'm not even worried about that so much anymore—"

"I know," she interrupted me. "And if you can't say yes right now, I understand. I'll ask again whenever you want to. But I am going to marry you, Lisa. This isn't just a show I'm putting on to convince you that I'm committed. I really, truly want to marry you. And I'm going to do that, whenever you're ready."

"And you're... really ready to marry me now?"

"Absolutely. There is no doubt in my mind. Are there any doubts in yours?"

I didn't have to think about it. "No... There aren't." A smile crept on my face.

"So, what are you thinking, baby?"

"Yes!" I nearly shouted as I wrapped my arms around her neck. "Yes, absolutely, I'll marry you!"

She grabbed my face and pulled me in for a deep kiss. I laughed as soon as she pulled away.

"Oh my God, I'm so happy. I never imagined it was even possible for me to be this happy."

She ran her fingers through my hair. "Me either. And I'm sorry I messed it up for such a long time."

"Don't be," I told her. "We're here now. That's all that matters. We were meant to be a long story, I think. A long, beautiful story."

"A story we'll tell our kids one day, maybe?" she asked, hinting with a smile.


She gave me one last quick peck. "I love you."

"I love you too." Something else crossed my mind. "Do... your parents know about this?"

"Oh, yeah, who do you think helped me pick out the ring?"

This made it so much better for me. So they were already okay with our very rushed engagement. And they were willing to welcome me into their family?

Life was perfect. I spent so many years unhappy or, at least, not as happy as I could be. But all those years suddenly made sense to me.

I had to go through that. I had to feel some pain, some loneliness, to appreciate everything that I had now. I didn't think I would be the same person I was now if I got into a relationship with Jennie right after high school. And, you know what? I was happy to be who I was now. Happy to be the person who fit so well with Jennie.

"It's forever this time, right?" I asked Jennie. While I didn't mind the years I had to be lonely, I wouldn't have wanted to do them again.

"Forever and ever, I promise. The table have turned, and I am not running away this time. It's a new life for us. I swear."

I kissed her on the cheek. "I believe you."

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