In my head

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4 years later
I drove into our drive way. It was hard for me to drive since I was pregnant with baby number 2. Today was Jack and I's anniversary. I grabbed his gift from the trunk of our mini van and walked inside. "Momma!" Harmony yelled. "Hey baby!" I smiled. She ran to me and hugged my feet. She was 3. Jack was sitting on the couch. Harmony ran back into the living room. I went to the kitchen and put my bags down when Jack came behind me and wrapped his arms around me. I smiled and turned around. "Hey baby." He smiled. I kissed his lips. "So are we dropping her off at Matt and Emmys?" I asked. He nodded. "Yeah I'll drop her off you need to relax anyway you are carrying a human inside you." He said to me and raised an eyebrow. "Well I am a mom and have to clean." I said to him. "Yea and your my wife and I'm you're husband so I'll clean and you go relax please baby." He said to me. I smiled at him. I hesitated at first but though it sounded great. "Fine." I sighed. He kissed my lips again. I walked to the couch and sat down. "Come on princess were going to uncle matts and you can play with Mia." He said to her. A huge smile grew on her face. She jumped on the couch and hugged me and kissed my cheek. "Bye momma." She said to me. I kissed her cheek. "Bye baby." I said to her she kissed my tummy. "Bye baby." She giggled. I giggled at her and she ran to jack. He picked her up and they left. I sat there watching tv and then I forgot about to wrap Jack's gift. I walked over to the kitchen and grabbed his present and went to the closet and got wrapping paper. I wrapped it up and put it beside me. It was 7:00 p.m. Jack came through the doors and smiled at me. I smiled back. "Hang on." He said to me." I nodded and he ran upstairs then came back down with my gift and a bouquet of white roses. My favorite. He sat down and I gave him his and he gave me mine. I opened it and it was a necklace. It was silver and it said Beautiful Melody. I smile appeared on my face. I looked up at him. "The story of us." He said softly. I gave him a book and it had our whole story in it. I smiled at him. "This is beautiful Jack." I smiled. He smiled at me and pressed his lips against mine gently. I pulled away and he began to read our whole story. "You will always be in my head." He read. That's the story of us.

In my head (sequel to Melody a Jack Gilinsky Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now