Chapter 18: Free

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Ophelia stared at her sister in shock, on the verge of tears " you can't like Draco, he's with me" she said " I spent a year, going back and forth to talk to him because he wanted to know about you" Sarah's voice broke " he was a fucking wolf at the time how do you fall for a wolf?"
" you did it, Ophelia, he couldn't talk to me, but he listened, to everything, when he finally was lifted from the curse I feel for him even harder, I talked to him several times a week, but all he wanted to talk about what Ophelia"

" you! Why you, I was in those woods that night as well, but he fell for you, Ophelia, the girl with two different color eyes, and the beautiful curly hair, the one with the perfect personality"
She spat " he led me on"

" he did not lead you on, you're obsessive like you've always been, you've stolen 3 boyfriends from me, got with the boys I've liked, I will kill you before you take Draco away from me" Ophelia was inches from touching her sisters face " maybe I'll just kill you first, you know I like to play dirty" Sarah smirked

Ophelia grabbed her jacket and walked out the front door this time, she knew this would happen, she's always done this, she can't let Sarah take Draco, she'd fight for him unlike the other guys, she would do anything for Draco, she wasn't letting him go

She appeared at his flat in 20 minutes
He saw her eyes were puffy and she was still in the clothes she was in last night, he looked down the hall before pulling her in

" what's wrong" he held her close " Sarah, she's doing it again, what she's always done, she's obsessive, she has this idea that you two are meant for each other, and when she gets like this she's dangerous Draco, she's trying to take you from me"

" I won't let it happen, I promise", " Ophelia?" She heard a females voice she turned around and Narcissa was standing there " oh, im sorry did I in..."
" no no it's alright, I'm sorry about your sister dear" she squeezed her hand " but we've come up with a plan for the ministry we were just about to tell you," she said

" let's talk about it then" Ophelia sat down

Sending a letter to the ministry to meet with the wizengamot was easy, requesting for an unbreakable vow for Draco and Ophelia's circumstances, that was harder

They were waiting for the reply, Draco was looking out the window watching the sun as if it would turn into a full moon at any second
" what are you thinking about?" Ophelia put her hand on his shoulder and it snapped him out of his daze

" full moon is tomorrow" he sighed " could you stay here tonight?" She nodded " I don't want to go back home anyway" she looked down, "hey" he lifted her chin cupping her cheeks "after all this me and you..."
" yea?" She nodded " we'll get on a plane, get to New York, run away from all this," he said

" running away with you?" She smiled
" I'd do it in a heartbeat" she kissed him softly "I love you Draco", " I love you too Ophelia"

The Wizengamot answered quickly, the next morning they had a trial with them
" Are you still sure you want to make this vow?" Draco was holding her hand outside the ministry " yes, whatever it takes for me to be with you" she smiled " ok you two let's get inside" Narcissa said

"Whatever happened to Lucius?" She asked Draco " he's in Romania, my mother banished him from the house" he smiled " lucky you" she smirked and held his hand tighter

" We can't keep you two apart huh?" One of the members of the wizengamot said shaking Draco and Ophelia's hand " you can try, but you'll fail terribly" Draco smirked

" We just need Ms. Enger to take a pregnancy test first and we can start," he said, " why do they do this?"
" if you're pregnant with a magical baby you can't make the vow, and they know we're... active so they need to take precautions" he hand lands on her lower back leading her to the bathrooms " I'll be outside, mother can go in with you"

Ophelia went into the bathroom with Narcissa who stood outside the stall waiting patiently
" sorry Narcissa still not a grandmother" she came out of the bathroom smiling " perfectly fine dear" Narcissa smiled

Draco looked sick as the two came out the bathroom as if he thought he was going to be a father, she gave him a shake of her head like the first time and he let out a sigh of relief

Draco and Ophelia put their hands together, her hand on his wrist and his holding her wrist
The minister talked quickly

" I do," Draco said
" I do" Ophelia agreed to never reveal the secret of the wizarding world
She smiled at Draco as the string of light intertwined around their arms

Draco rubbed his thumb on her wrist as she finished, he felt her heartbeat, then he could hear it, she was calm, she was never calm when they were inside the courtroom, her heartbeat calmer, even more, when their hands broke apart and he hugged her

" we're free," she said in his ear " let's go book some plane tickets now" he kissed her cheek as she laughed softly

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