Her Friends

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Now it was lunch time after hours worth of learning and studying in tiresome classrooms. Everyone was either making their way to the cafeteria to find something to eat or was already eating at their chosen spots.

Many choices of side dishes and drinks along with the main dish to be served as the chatters of everyone could drown out the sound of a crying whale.

A hand slowly reaches for the last side dish, a red bean bun wrapped in plastic coating sat on a teal tray as a boy thanked the lunch lady for their services and walks out of the very short line.

His eyes gazes around the room, it was packed with very limited seats to find. There were unfamiliar faces that Y/n did not know of as he tries to find an open table or the very least a seat to eat his lunch peacefully and perhaps make a friend.

But it never comes to him. Of course with the amount of empty chairs in the cafeteria, the seat would be quickly be filled by another student or a bag in which they respond "This seat is taken." or "We don't want you here.".

It didn't anger him so he just went with his backup plan.

Guess I'll just eat at the club room as usual...

His legs carries him steadily, avoiding the curious gazes and wonders of the kid as he tries to hide his face away. The amount of shyness could not be counted, the many looks he was getting from most of the boys and girls he passes by was shaking him inside his shoes.

Why are they staring at me?

Is there something on my face?

Did I do something wrong?

"Hey, it's the boy from the library!"

Out calls a random girl that catches his ears. He stops dead in his tracks for some reason and felt the gazes all return back to their own business, however his feet was still glued to the ground.

"Hey, Paisen! Over here!" His head unconsciously turns to the source, three girls who all sat at one table as they were all glancing him. His eyes quickly catches the one who sat across the blondes, the silky black hair and tanned body that he instantly recognizes.

But he was a little hesitant after seeing her so he tries to play dumb to see what would happen. "Me?"

"Who else?" One of the girls with tangerine hair falling behind her back scoffs playfully, her hand motions to the empty seat next to Nagatoro. "Yeah, who else?" Repeated the second girl who had the brighter color of orange twin tails, more like dirty blonde as it somehow matches her eye color along with her other friend.

He was now walking to the seat, he didn't know why. His head says no but his legs tells him to as the next thing he knows he was sitting next to Nagatoro, faces turns away from each other with Y/n's hands in his lap.

The dirty smile grows on one of the girl's faces. "So... You're Nagatoro's boyfriend?"

Straight to the point yet the two sitting across from her starts blushing immediately.

"I... I... Why would you say that?!" Y/n nearly yells, he starts to squirm in his seat embarrassed.

"Well, little miss Olympic here talks a lot about you." She starts to smile, along with her friend who points at Nagatoro and says, "Yeah, little miss Olympic!"

Both were speechless, though their emotions through this effect were different as Nagatoro blushes pink and looks away as Y/n could only look at her and back at her friends with the smug look on their faces.

"So tell me, are you her boyfriend?" They continue to ask, Y/n was shaking on the inside but was staying calm on the outside. A question he would never believe he would get in a hundred years yet it has been asked for him to answer. "I..." Y/n continues to hesitate for some reason, his eyes glances at the two until he finally brought the courage out from inside his brain.

Nagatoro Hayase x Singer Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now