The Answer She Wants

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Early morning was the time of today.

The sun shined over the horizon, the sound of kitchen tupperware being fidgeted around, cars vroomed by, a peaceful and lovely day.

Today was a Friday as we zoom in on a certain bedroom in a certain house as a figure slept peacefully in his little bed. Small snores escaped from him with a smirk pasted on his face since midnight.


The alarm wakes the boy up slowly, he sits up from his bed and turns the clock off. His h/c bed bomb hair messily covered his eyes and his ears, yet the boy looked forward to today.

Because the fever was dying down and he was nearly a hundred percent, he gets up from his bed and does his morning routine in the house before finally getting dressed and heads downstairs where his mother was already serving up breakfast for the teen.

And as soon as she turns around to place the heating plate of food on the table for the boy, she sees him walking in with his school uniform on. "Good morning, hun!~"

"Good morning..." he smiles to her, his brain catches something unusual. "...Where's dad?" He asked.

"He went out to work early today. He'll be back home early today!"

He nods to her, walking over to the table where his steaming plate of scrambled eggs and bacon was laid out. He grabs a fork and starts munching down on his breakfast as his mom comes back to the table with her own.

"Your friend came over yesterday."

That almost made Y/n choke, he figured he was asleep and ignored the calls of his name from outside yesterday. "Really?! Crap! I was sleeping so I wasn't able answer the door!"

"What do you mean? She got in just fine." Mother tilts her head to the side. His eyes widens as he figured they must've broken in while he was asleep. "Is something wrong?"

Y/n's mother helped him break his thoughts as he shakes his head. "Ah, no... Just... very foggy memory from yesterday because... you know..." he slaps his head with a funny face which earns him a smile.

"Well, now you're better! You have to thank Nagatoro for helping you out!~" she says as Y/n nods to her before continuing to gulp down some of his breakfast.

"So, you had a good dream, hun?"

"Mhm!" He says with a mouthful of eggs as his mom starts to smile. "What did you dream of?"

Y/n swallows his food and smiles back. "It was a great dream! It was about..."

...Wait... What did I dream about again?

His mind ran into a large roadblock, he knew he had dreamed of something amazing but his brain couldn't find it at all.

"Ugh... I can't remember... but I liked it a lot..." he groans before continuing on to eat.

It wouldn't take long before he finishes his food. He places his dishes in the sink and  took his bags from near the door and heads out, Mrs. L/n waved him away as Y/n was focused on his phone.

Currently, he was looking for a good song he could listen to while walking to school.

He quickly found one of his past relationship, proud of it but wasn't proud of his choices he made with Yuki.

A small saddening smile grows on his face since this was a song that shook almost the whole globe, he decides to go down memory lane and start singing the song of the breakup between him and Yuki.

Nagatoro Hayase x Singer Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now