"You slept with gally!"

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I only manage to have about half of my lunch before Chuck comes storming into the homestead kitchen looking for me.

I watch as his soft brown curls fall over his eyes as he hurries towards me. "What's wrong Chuck? Is it the boys?" He doesn't answer me, only a slight nod in return.

I grab Gally from the side of me, dragging him to his feet and practically forcing him to come with me, although I think he wanted too.. he was worried about something.. or someone.

I race over to medjack hut, gally racing behind me as I throw open the door. I look around to see a wide smile planted on both Thomas' and minhos face. "Shucking boys!! You scared me! Chuck had me think you guys died or something" I wipe my brow in relief, walking over and perching on the end of Thomas' bed.

"Us? Dead?" They both look at eachother in unison. "Couldn't leave you here now could we" Minho winks at me, earning a scowl from Gally.
I place my hand on gally's to tell him it's ok, he doesn't need to be jealous of Minho, he's my best friend and nothing more.

"Chuck told me you've got 'tea'" Minho holds his hands up to do air quotations, suggesting he didn't really know what having 'tea' actually meant.

I glow a crimson red, I did have something to tell both him and Thomas but Gally was still in the room, "Gally, could you go and get newt for me? Then stay with Chuck until I get back, it'll be ok I promise" I smile, rubbing his arm gently.

He hesitates before ducking down a little to kiss my forehead, walking out the door and going to get newt. "Why did you need newt? Why does he have to know?" Thomas looks at me carefully, examining my face.

Minho gasps, "you slept with gally" he puts his hand over his mouth. My jaw drops, I know that he knew me better than anyone but for him to guess that quickly? There's no way.

I stutter a bit "no-I- that's n-" I get cut off by newt throwing open the door.

"Who's slept with who" newt sighs, slouching down on minhos bed.

"Y/n slept with gally" Thomas joins in with the who accusation, well.. wasn't really an accusation when I did actually sleep with him.

I huff loudly and slam my hands on the bed, "ok! Fine.. yes I slept with gally" I place my head in my hands.

Both newt and Thomas gasp but Minho just sits there with a smile on his face. "I knew it, I know you! Can't hide anything from me" he smirks and winks at me.

"Well was it good?" Newt whispers over to me, catching the attention of everyone else.

I blush immediately, I don't know why I tell these guys anything. Minho grabs my arm and starts shaking it with excitement, "it was!! U loved it! It was good!" His smile widening each second.

I yank my arm out of his grasp, "I wish you'd let me answer for myself" i huff, folding my arms over like a child and pretending to have a tantrum.

Minho holds his hands up surrendering, "alright, alright sorry" he says, trying to hide his smile that was tugging at the corner of his mouth.

I laugh at them all, Chuck throwing open the hut door to find me. "Y/n! Y/n! Gally needs you now! It's important" he's always the messenger bless him, people need to stop making him run from one place to another.

I smile weakly, leaving Chuck and the boys in the hut by themselves. "Come back soon! We have news to tell everyone later" Minho shouts after me, his voice a little raspy due from the lack of water.

I just shake my head in return, god I really do love this family.

After walking around the glade about 3 times, I spot Gally sitting by himself at a tree in far corner, he looked excited.. almost like he was waiting for me.

I smile to myself as I walk over and stop in front of him. He jumps to his feet, a smile engraved onto his face as he sees me.

I couldn't help but blush, I've never seen him so excited to see me. "So? Chuck said you needed me?" I say, breaking the ice and making conversation.

He takes a deep breath and grabs my hands, he starts to lead me somewhere and my face scrunches up In confusion, where was he taking me?

"Gally, where are we going?" I laugh as he tightens his grips on my hands, making sure I don't fall over anything.

"Just wait, you'll love it" he smiles even more, taking me deeper into the deadheads and past the tall trees.

We walk for about another 5 minutes before he asks me to close my eyes. I do what he says, closing my eyes and letting out a loud huff.

He leads me a little further before letting me open them. "Anddddd open" he tells me, I first look at his excited face before seeing what was beside him.

A treehouse? Embedded with flowers and ivy, a ladder screwed onto the side, it was quite tall.

I gasp in excitement, "did.. did you build this?" I ask, etching closer to the ladder, ready to climb.

"Well I, I thought you could use somewhere, for when you're feeling down? Or want to distance yourself from someone" he scratches the back of his neck awkwardly as his cheeks glow red watching me start to climb the ladder.

Once I was inside, there was a mattress on the floor, a few pillows and drawn pictures on the wall. Did he draw those too? They were beautiful, well drawn and creative.

I couldn't explain how happy I felt, I can't believe Gally would go out of his way to do something like this for me.

"You like it?" Gally's voice startles me as I turn to see him standing behind me.

"I love it" i exasperate, looking around in amazement.

"I also thought it would give us some time alone? Properly" he laughs nervously, urging to know my answer.

"I would love too" I blush, turning to face him with a smile on my face.

"Well.. dinners going to be soon so how about we head down then after we can spend the night up here" he tells me, extended his hand for mine to reach.

This is when I knew..

This is when I knew that I loved him.

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