Chapter 8

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Harry came back with some duck tape " there you go sir I'm sure this is going to work " he took it off his hand " Its good .. Now I want all of you to get out." he looks at the three guys and they get out imedeatly. " so gorgeous let's get back to your questions ." he says.

I sit there starring at him "well do you have any queations...? OK I guess I can duck tape your pretty lips then!" He said . " duck take my mouth !! No fuck is given . and by the way I wish there was someone that could duck tape your mouth ,KILLER!" My insults seems to amuse him for some reason ! " you see your talking time is over gorgeous. " fuck in hell I hate what he calls me ! "Don't you speak English ? I told you not to fucking call me that !" I said . he came so close to me his breath clashed my face " I call you what I want " he is so fuckig bossy. "OK I'll call you what I want too then ! Killer " I said . "let's get this clear gorgeous, I am not a killer but maybe I will become one due to your motivation " he grins at me and duck tapes my mouth! "you will do as I say. do you understand ?" Ohh god he is so annoying ! I nod.

He makes me stand and he holds the gun with one hand and grabs me out with the other! Pointing the gun at my head its almost tuching my head ! "Walk" be whispers. I do as I'm told. He tells one of his guards to take my car ! So I start moving and try to run to my car but he punches me to the wall and stand so close to me that our chests are tuching he holds the gun up and points it at my head. "listen  gorgeous I will kill you if you try to run ever again. DO  YOU UNDERSTAND ?" I nod. We start walking to a black car . ohh so he was the one that was following me ! But the question remains ! Why was he following me ?! We get in to the black car he sits with me at the back. "Jason your driving today" he says."Yes sir"  he says.

He opens my mouth "so let's get back to you then ! Tell me about your self " he says. Ohh now he wants to know about me ?! "Fuck off, I will not tell you anything!" He looks at me. "Ok so let's have a deal shall we. You ask one question and I will answer and I will ask you a question and you will answer!" OK so should I agree or not ?! "Do we have a deal then ?" He asked " n- yes " I said. "ok so you start!" Be said. I know what my first question is! " why were you following me ?" I asked because you are a detective and I want to kill you. Is that a good enough answer?" He said. Ohh so I am going to die. "Yes killer!" He looked at me "OK its my turn. So do you think I killed Sera?" He asked. I looked at him. "Yes I know you killed her!" I said. "I didn't kill her gorgeous just letting you know." OK so if he didn't then who did ? "Do you know who killed her ?" I asked . "Yes" he answered. He knows who kiled her ? How ? "Who killed her?" He looked at me. "Its my turn gorgeous! So where is the ring " he asked . what? how does he know about the ring? Was it his?

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