002 i can not feel my legs

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I am still very tired but i can no longer lie in bed and look at this ceiling. I need to talk to an doctor. So I convinced myself that I should get up. It's not that easy because I'm very limp and tired, but that is probably due to the drug that I probably received.

So I pull myself up very slowly and notice that I can't feel my legs. Oh no. I move you in one direction with all my strength. As I now sit on the edge of the bed, I try to put my legs on the floor. It was so hard but I found a possible solution. I let myself fall on my side with all my strength and thereby hit the ground. I was sweating like running a marathon but I didn't care.

"Ahhhh" I scream as I slumped straight to the floor. My feet can't take anything.

Now I was on the ground, filled with pain. I realized that I couldn't even reach the help-button from my position. I looked for my cell phone. But I can't see it anywhere. 

While I was looking around I noticed that I was lying in a very, very nice single room. I am a little surprised because my parents are not necessarily rich now and they definitely could not buy me this luxury. I am just realizing that I may have a contagious disease because I am in this isolated room. In any case, I'm already worried too much.

I gave up hope and tried to move a few inches in the direction of the door by pulling my body behind me but quickly realized that I was at the end of my strength and made myself comfortable on the floor.

A loud door noise woke me up and I straightened up and looked the person who walked in straight in the eyes. It was a handsome boy with light brown curly hair and cute freckles. He's extremely tall and really hot. Exactly my type. He came closer and closer and I couldn't believe it. Can that really be true? What does he want from me?

He bent down and asked with a grise: "Honey do you need help?" My jaw dropped and my heart started racing 

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