003 i have a boyfriend

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He's getting closer and closer and I feel my heart racing faster. He kneels down in front of me and extends an arm in my direction. I hesitate and then take it. 

He lovingly pulled me up on the bed and pulls himself up next to me. He took his hand and put it around me. I've made up my mind and put my head on his shoulder and now we're leading here. In a hospital bed next to each other, I paralyzed against him. Once he begins to speak: "You can not imagine how difficult the last few weeks have been for me. I am glad that you are with us again". I looked at him confused. What happend in those weeks. Did i lie in coma?

I started to speak: "ahh thanks but who are you? I looked at him even more frightened and he told me that my meomories willcome back soon. And he told me that he can understand when i am confused yet. 

After a few seconds silence, he starts to explain me that he is my boyfriend for the last 4 months. 

He is right I am confused, but I didn't think I lost all my memory. I have memories, I know I had a boyfriend, but it was definitely not him. But I can't tell him that.

During our conversation i realised that my voice sounds diffrent. I kinda like it but its higher than usually. Maby i can't remember my voice so well and thats the reason why it sounds diffrent to me now.

When we sat next to each other for about 20 minutes I said: "Hey I am really confused and desperate, could you please get me a doctor so I can ask him some questions?" I feel like he is not happy about what i just said because he looks sad but he immeadiatly set off and left the room.

He is right I am really confused about everithing right now, but I could have ask him so much.

But i definitive have nothing contagious, because otherwise they would not allow anyone to visit me. But why do i have such an expensive room and who are they people who pretend to be my closest friends?

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2021 ⏰

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