001 ceiling lighting

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I notice how I slowly come to consciousness and try to open my eyes again. They do not go completely up, and that make me feel like in a lifeless body that can only look through these 2 small crevices. The only thing I see is a gray concrete ceiling with a bright light. I close my eyes again and fall asleep.

As I wake up again I am in another room and a man and a woman are leaning over me. I had never seen either of them before and then the woman talks to me. "Hello darling, I was so worried, I hope you're not in too much pain."

The man interrupts the woman and introduces himself: "Hello, my name is Doctor Phil Smith and I had just been able to perform a successful operation on you. You will still have a little pain and that is why I gave you a touch device. You will now fall asleep again, your mom can come later and see you again when you are awake. " with these words both left my room and there was an iron silence in the room.

I think again but it's true this doctor called this complete stranger my mom. Did it go wrong or maybe I lost my memory. That thought just won't leave me alone.

But what can i do? The only possible thing is that I'll just ask the doctor again when I wake up later.

I don't need to overrate now.

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