"Lost Memory"

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I had these stories written out last night and went in to edit them and make sure there where no mistakes. Which are good so here is another chapter. Also this explains why Childe and scaramouche became so Vile in your rain to bennett and his friends.

They all used to get along and not fight as you saw Childe allows bennett to stay at his house for a bit. And got along but in your rain they hate each other. So this chapter will explain the bad blood between the two groups.

Also a bit of backstory of scaramouche a bit.


"Ugh it's already been 3 Months sense school started and I'm already tierd of it..." Bennett complains. While working on a school project.

"Hey come on at least this year we're all in the same homeroom class. I also find it funny how we have Mr. Zhongli as well again."

"Bennett!!!" Without a second thought a yell was heard through the entire school.

Bennett jumps and recognized the voice.

"Oh no it's scaramouche....hide me!" Well looked at him.

"Bennett what did you do this time?!"

Bennett looks at them with a worried face.

"I accidentally told Mona about his anime and manga collection as well as his whole set of books about stars and astrology." They looked at me in confusion.

"And how do you no this?" They questioned.

"Scaramouche invited me to his home over the summer and had Childe and Teucer there as well we talked and played some of his cool fighting games like "knock out fighter" "GBFVS" etc. But now heh I don't think he's going to be inviting me over anymore it's a shame his house was huge. An- ah..."

Bennett was then grabbed by the shirt  as scaramouche glared at him...

"Care to finish your story Bennett. I told you not to tell a single fucking soul about that. I told you the problems that will happen If you disobey me. Bennett you were a nice kid shame that I have to sever that tie your now my enemy you are not to be trusted." As soon as he said I should not be trusted. My face darkens.

"Maybe you shouldn't trust me Scaramouche...you never no what will happen with me around." With that he punches me in the gut. And walks away.

"Ugh....that hurt...." We run over to bennett and see if he was alright.

"Hey that looked like it hurt you alright?." He nods and stands up slowly.


The months went on and spring break came. Chongyun and Xingqiu where busy with studying for the finals that will be happening next month but promise to meet up on the Saturday morning to hang out. Unfortunately nothing big happen with us but something happened with scaramouche.


Scaramouche Pov

"Ugh Mona let me be I need to go to my job. Women!" Scaramouche yells and pulls away.

"Your so clingy today. Go hang out with your friends. Or something"

Mona pouts and yells.

"Fine! Go to your dumb work!" She then leaves and slams the door. I sigh and get ready for work.

"Why do I love her? I can't recall if I even did I remember loving someone. I see this person in my dreams all the time we've been dating for a whole year and the dream won't go away as childe's did when him and Zhongli started dating even those losers Xiao and Aether Xingqiu and chongyun....they found there true love and there dreams stopped but mine it keeps going is Mona not my love? If so who is."

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