Chapter 1 : The beginning of the contract

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It was a peaceful day in Liyue, not a lot of people have broken their promises and contracts yet. Ever since it was bestowed upon Liyue, people who lie have been very cautious about their surroundings. Zhongli is known for keeping contracts in order and always in place. And Ningguang for peace.

While walking down the Liyue streets, people have been fighting and breaking their relationship and friendships all due to that mark. Zhongli said to himself. "A curse bestowed on Liyue has ruined Liyue itself." and continues to walk on his path to other shop, with his pocket mora which he haven't forgotten. Around the shops of Liyue, he encountered Ningguang. Both of them settle down for a tea place and chatted.

"Didn't think I would bump into you, Zhongli" Ningguang looked at Zhongli while sipping the cup of tea. "Ah, yes. The same for me Ms. Ningguang. Liyue has changed ever since the curse has bestowed upon it." Zhongli also take his cup of tea and drinks it down. Both of them were enjoying the tea until. "How about this Zhongli? You're good at keeping contracts right?" Ningguang put her cup of tea to look at Zhongli.

"Ah, I'm not that good. It's just that I keep my contracts in place." Zhongli sips his tea after he told Ningguang that. Ningguang looks at Zhongli and all, she said something to herself and mutter. "This is perfect. No wonder Zhongli is the best." Ningguang looks up to Zhongli with a pile of paper and said. "How about we make a contract about you protecting me?"

Zhongli looks at the piles of paperwork that Ningguang just stored in and then looks up to her. "What's the condition Ms. Ningguang?" Zhongli goes back to sipping his cup of tea. "I have many paperworks to do and there might be thieves around Liyue especially the Fatui. I need someone worthy enough to protect me. But, in under one condition, if I die. The contract will end; you have to serve me until I die to fullfil the contract."

Zhongli puts his cup of tea down to look at Ningguang. "Aren't you powerful enough to protec-" A vision of Guizhong appear in front of Zhongli. "Guizhong?...." And then it disappeared. Ningguang looks at Zhongli with confusion because he has been staring at blank space. "Please pardon my rudeness, I have been thinking if I should do it or not." Ningguang takes a pen and then points it to a piece of paper. "If you're gonna sign it, then start here." Zhongli looks at the paper and thought to himself. "Ms. Ningguang looks like Guizhong a lot. There's no coincidence, right? Maybe, I'll just do it for observation."

Zhongli then grabs the pen and looks up to Ningguang to say. "Then, lets sign the contract shall we Ms. Ningguang?" Ningguang and Zhongli talked about the conditions of the contract. After that, tomorrow will be Zhongli's first day. He'll go to Ningguang's place after the work at Washung Funeral Parlor. Zhongli already got Hu Tao's permission. It was another day for Zhongli, something unexpected will happen soon.

Liyue might not be the same again. After the curse. Zhongli and Ningguang should be cautious around their surroundings for now. Just for now.

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