Chapter 9

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Snow didn't know, how could she have. While she stood their resting into Dracula's arm's a raven perched and watched everything. He quickly picked up a flew off away from the dark forest towards the palace, it swooped through the largest tower's window once again perching on a fancy stand already prepared for it.
Inside the tower Queen Grimhilde stood leaning over her old spell books perfecting yet another potion take make her contain her youth for as long as possible. She gently dripped green liquid into a glass cup before begging startled by the raven's sudden squawking.

"Ah!" The queen gasped from the glass. She turned towards the bird with a scowl.

"You stupid creature! Look what you've done" Grimhilde growled running her hand down her face.

"He was merely trying to tell you of the interesting new turn of events" another voice appeared. The queen turned to face her magic mirror with an unamused expression.

"What you on about?"

"It seems your plans for fairest of them all are still in vane" the mirror stated. The queen arched her eyebrows.

"Don't be ridiculous, I got rid of Snow White, she was murdered in the forest along with the huntsman" Queen said with a huff Turing back towards for potions.

"Indeed the huntsman died that day but it was indeed only him" the mirror said causing the queen to turn around for a rebuttal but was met with an image in the mirror of the one and only Snow White huddled in the arms of Count Dracula.

"T-that's... that's impossible!?" The queen almost growled rushing toward the mirror, her eyes filled with rage.

"It would seem even a heartless monster such as the count has even fallen for her beauty and heart"

"Beauty and body more like it" the queen grumbled under her breath. She could see that familiar look in Dracula's eyes, it was the look that many would give her, royals and peasants alike.

"But you're right she is alive and therefore a problem" the queen stated rubbing her chin. With Snow White being alive not only did that mean Grimhilde was not the fairest of them all but it also meant the princess could return for her throne. Grimhilde let out a loud annoyed screeched slamming her fists on her spell book.
She looked down at the pages suddenly remembering one of the potions.

"I might have another way" quickly the queen flipped through the spell book pages before spotting the one she wanted.

"Uh ha! Here it is... poison apples" she chuckled reaching for her many bottles of potions.

"One bite and she will be in a sleep like death for eternity" the queen let out a loud satisfied chuckle at he the thought of being rid of princess Snow White once and for all.

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