Chapter 3

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"Master!!! You have finally arrived!!!"

In a foggy mountain, rows of young girls and boys stood in salutations, they all look refreshing with their pure white robes and jade like skin. Despite their young countenance, the youth practices sublime disciple, each one showing their almost respect to the arriving master. The peak master nodded, pleased to see the prized seedlings of their peak. Both master and disciples bowed in respect,despite of the formal atmosphere, the care of the master for his disciples was apparent, which greatly moved his students. Both master and disciples had such a harmonious feeling, giving the onlookers warmth.

"Today, my junior Brother, the sword saint is back from his travels. I want all of you to welcome him, I expect nothing less from my students", the master said, his genial voice was quite soothing. Smiling, Shao Ke guided his disciples. Being the peak master, contract to his sort nature, the man who looks like he was in his mid twenties had a strict disposition when taking care of the matters of his peak. The amount of strict rules the disciples had to follow could already be counted up to a thousand. 

"Say, I heard that martial uncle sword Saint had taken a disciple", behind, a young man wearing golden trimmed white robes whispered, nudging his senior beside him. The head disciple Shao Han snorted, seemingly annoyed by Xiao Hei's ignorance. Unlike the rest of the disciples, only Shao Han had the look of pride, in contrast to his fellow who were all looking so gentle.

"Irregardless, we are still this Peak's pride. Do not randomly boast about other master's disciple,least you forget yourself"

Xiao Hei nodded, he really cannot argue with his senior.

Meanwhile, the Yushan peak was drove into a frenzy as the so called genius appear at the peak's training hall. Various disciples crowded, trying to sneak a peak.

"So handsome"

"I did it not expect him to be that young"

"So strong"

The disciples exclaimed. To think that such a young man was already that capable, it was astonishing.

A senior gritted his teeth as he screamed in submission "enough...I give up!!!" Ming Hui remained aloof, not even helping the scrambling man beneath him.

"Have I proven myself?",looking at the man amongst the seniors, his voice was full of mockery. "Don't take it to your heart, your senior is simply trying to spar with you. We heard that you were especially adept with your sword technique, so this seniors only wanted to see, don't take it personally" Shao Jie said, his tone was too gentle. The others snorted in disgust, that man is acting self righteously.

"Then why don't you fight me yourself, this junior is also interested in seeing the greatness of my senior",Ming Hui rebukes, his eyes was cold. Master said that his appearance would gain envy from others. He himself was aware that senior disciples would not welcome him that kindly, as people who lives in superior environment, their pride would not allow it. It was unthinkable for them to just follow a new comer younger than them.

Shao Jie frowned, he did not expect this young master to directly challenge him. Whether it is arrogance or just simple ignorance, he cannot allow it. However, he was someone who had always acted as the kind senior, if he ended up beating this junior, even his own master would reprimand him.

Ming Hui cupped his hand, staring directly at the silent Shao Jie"this junior will accept the outcome. I just hope that senior would give me guidance"

"Hoh, that young man is quite promising, I bet that coward Shao Jie would try to bullshit his way out again",the one who said it was a disciple who dislikes Shao Jie. The others nodded, they were purposely inciting the senior disciple to act.

"Those bastards",Shao Jie cursed, if he could only bring his treasured sword here, he would have hack those useless fools in half. His lackey are now incense, they were ready to pick a fight any time. "It's about time to teach those assholes a lesson"

"Then this senior will obliged. I just hope that junior can accept the aftermath of this fight", to their surprise, Shao Jie accepted. He had to show those fools who is superior here, otherwise, they will think that he, Shao Jie is easy to topple.

Shao Jie took one of his lackey's sword, before cupping his hand, showing his sophistication as a senior. "I hope you won't regret it". Shao Jie immediately run towards Ming Hui, using his internal qi to control the sword at his will. The sword swirl in a circle, attacking Ming Hui relentlessly.

Ming Hui remained in his unmoving, using his own qi to counter the sword, rendering it useless when the two opposing power clash. The sound of sword dropping awaken everyone, it happened so fast that they were surprised it was possible.

"You-",Shao Jie engaged him in close combat, hitting the younger man with full force. The other dodge it, not even one hit had landed!!! Ming Hui raise his brow, looking at the enraged senior. His action was full of confidence that it irk the senior even more.

"Shao Jie!!!"

His lackeys screamed as they witness their leader flying back wards. They did not see what happened, but Shao Jie is now clutching his stomach as he puke a mouthful of blood. That bastard really hit him when his own force!!

"Don't think I'll let you off", enraged, Shao Jie made a hand seal. The others exclaimed in alarmed. Isn't this a friendly fight? Why is that bastard using a technique to attack his own junior?


Everyone halted. Caught red handed, the disciples began to disperse, they were afraid to get caught by the peak master!!!

"Shao Jie, what are you doing?",the peak master inquired, he was visibly disappointed. Behind him was Shao Han, who also look at his brother in dismay.


"Explain to me later. Go and apologize to your junior!!!"

The peak master rub his temples. To think his own disciple would disrupt the peace and act like this, they really had become so arrogant. Glaring at the running disciples, the peak master really wanted to catch them and break their legs!!!

"End of fun",Sui murmured as he ran to report this to Yu Xi.

Thanks for reading.....

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