Chapter 11

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Ming Hui nodded. After hearing the girl's story, it seems that a high ranking demon managed to sneak in with the lower ones. Since it was ferocious, it must have a low intelligence, but it's strength is still troublesome, if he let that thing alone, it might kill disciples who were near its vicinity. As for that greedy man who asked for money, Ming Hui did not intend to save him at all, such a person did not know how to value his own life. Ming Hui immediately ran towards it's direction, making a swift action. As long as he kills it, the disciples could safely hunt.

"Sweet. That young miss surely knows her stuff. This materials are all high quality!!!" Ming Hui was dumfounded. Just when he expect a dead body, the said dead person was actually in good condition, he even had the energy to count his earnings! Could it be the beast had fled? No, it was impossible, a demonic kin could not think of anything other than killing it's prey. "That beast, where is it?", Ming Hui gritted his teeth, could it be he was too late already? "Ah, that bull? It's dead",the man answered, pointing on the bull's head beneath him, he had actually covered the bull with a blanket, turning it into a make shift sofa. Ming Hui stared at the corpse, a high ranking beast was beheaded just like, just who is this stranger?

"You. How did you kill it?" Ming Hui approach him. For the first time, the usually passive man felt the sudden urge to fight. Ming Hui thought that he wasn't that type of man. His eyes linger on the dead beast, wondering just how much precision was required to cut its head so smoothly. The blood spilled everywhere, but there is only a single cut on the demon's neck. Did he killed it in one motion? "Well, I trick it and then woosh....I cut of its head",the man chuckled, his voice full of mirth. Ming Hui really wanted to fight this man, just hearing the guy's annoying way of talking is enough to warrant his ire.

"Fight me!", unsheathing his sword, Ming Hui wanted to challenge this man. As someone who had constantly controlled his self, Ming Hui was even shocked himself as to why he wanted to fight the man so much. He felt the need to show his superiority, this was a complex feeling for him. "Did I offended you somehow? There is no way I could fight your honorable self, so please let me off",Yu Xi raised his hand, before swiftly jumping towards the roof. "You can have its body!",shouting, his escaping method was too efficient.

"Stop! You damn thief!"Ming Hui pursued him, eyes filled with hostility. After seeing the similar disgusting way of escaping, Ming Hui concluded that it was the same thief he met that night. To think that he'd meet that scum again, he won't let him off! No wonder he felt it was so similar! That way of talking can only be him! And so Ming Hui forgot his goal, expending all his time in pursing Yu Xi.

Just when he thought he finally caught him, Ming Hui lost him after running to an intersection. That damn guy is so tricky, he simply had no shame at all. Yu Xi had already shed his disguise and was now wearing a red robe similar to the Virtuous Sect, a righteous faction which allied with the Yushan Peak. As for his loot, it was carefully swallowed by Xiao Fu, his dear handy pet. That damn guy again Yu Xi really felt like cursing. Is that guy a pest? Why does he keep on bugging him? He was just simply counting money this time! That asshole is really out to annoy him.

"Brother Yu Xi!!",Shu finally meet up with Yu Xi, his eyes showing just how great was his harvest. As for Sui Yan, the latter had already hunted by himself, he felt more secure now that those scum wasn't ordering him around. As for the barrier around him, Shu kindly gave him this life saving tools in secret, he did not know when Shu learned this method of sneaking around, only Yu Xi could possibly corrupt that naive child. Sui Yan refuse to accept the reality that Shu was a more adept lackey than him.

As for the bastard Yang Yue, he had face misfortune after meeting a mid tier demon, it was a black sheep this time. Just awhile ago a certain robe asshole destroyed his protective array, now he was forced to run away like a rat. If only he could see that guy's face, he will shred him into pieces! Luckily for him, he meet a certain fatty, the guy was actually hunting by himself! Yang Yue purposely run over Sui Yan, hoping that the beast would pursue the fatty instead. Grinning, Yang Yue happily dig a pit for his fellow disciple, not showing the least bit of integrity a direct should posses.

Of course, that was just his wishful thinking. The beast did not let him off, ignoring Sui Yan. Yang Yue screamed in terror, he did not expect to be cornered inside the forest. If only he was thinking straight, he should have notice the multiple barrier that surrounds Sui Yan, it was Yu Xi's creation so it also had a detection warding array mix in with the rest. Sui Yan sighed in exasperation, just how did this so called direct disciples even think? As someone with talent he should have known that the forest was a dense area, that big beast would have cornered him instead.

So Sui Yan let Yang Yue scream a few more so he could learn his lesson, before dragging the guy inside his array. Since this is elder Yao's student, he cannot let him die, otherwise that unreasonable person would have another excuse to expel him from the peak.


Thanks for reading.......

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