🥀strange behaviors🥀

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Kate : so how is it?
Zani : hm? Nothing much-
+hey Kate what happened to Levi? I mean

Kate : hm well idk much about it tho cuz he adopted me way far after that happened-

Zani : ooh-

Kate : he sometimes vent to be about feeling not good enough-
+I sometimes really worry about him he can get really angry over a small thing-

Zani : huh? What do you mean ?

Kate : i don't know it seen like everything on his eye has to be perfect! He even kills several maid cuz he gets frustrated cuz the maid prepare the wrong meal
And thats why most of the maid here was really afraid of him-

Zani : *knuckles* hmm
(but then why-)

Kate : zani you ok?

Zani : oh yes I'm fine!

Kate: why don't you make something for him? Maybe he can lighted up a bit-

Zani : uhh- idk

Kate : don't worry u know something he really likes!! A cheesecake!

Zani : hm? Really? Maybe I can made it?

Kate : yeah cmon let's make one!!

"They both went in the kitchen and made the cheesecake zani usually made "

Kate : whoaa so thats how you made a cheesecake!

Zani : yeah it is-

Kate : you're a very great cook zani I'm sure Levi would love it !! Let's put it in dining table!

"After that they put it on the dining table zani and Kate rest for a bit and levi came "

"He notices the smells of the cheesecake "

Levi : ?? Who made this??

Zani : uh- I  made it- "shivering"

Levi : if you put something weird on this im gonna kill you!!

"Cuz he's hungry without thinking any further he takes a bit out of it "

Levi : ?? *what the- *
"It reminds her of how her mother used to make cheesecake it taste exactly like this "

Levi : *ugh why can't she be bad at this!!*

Zani : is it good?

Levi : Tch you lucky I was hungry!!

"He finished the entire plate"

Zani : "whoa he finished it already?"

Levi : why are you not eat as well?

Zani : oh don't worry I already ate -

Levi : oh and change your clothes when it ready cuz you look really ridiculous!

"After that Levi gets closer to zani and touch her head"

Levi : thank you for the cake- shorties-

Zani : O///O eh w-what-
"Before can process what happened Levi suddenly dissappear

Kate : zani are you okay?

Zani : oh yeah I'm fine-

"After that zani goes around the castle with Kate she meet Lisa in the way so they travel together in the way they heard something broken"


"A maid drop an expensive wine on the floor Levi heard it from his room and comes to her"


maid : i-i I'm sorry your majesty i-

"While saw that Lisa is scared"

Lisa : um- zani let's go i think this is not the right time to be here-

"Lisa g4ab zani hand but weirdly zani didn't move she froze and her attention is suddely direct to the wine on the floor"

"Her expression changes and she started to look at Lisa very scary "

Lisa : uh- zani

"Zani started to attack Lisa, Levi heard Lisa scream and turn around to see zani he immediately grab zani hand to stop her "

Levi : get away from here!!

Lisa : !!! *runs*

Zani : grrrr💢💢

"Levi tries to hold zani hand tightly but she keeps moving nonsense it makes him so frustrated he decided to hug her so she won't escape "

Levi : ugh CALM DOWN YOU- eh?
"After hugging her she was suddenly asleep Levi got very confused so he decided to bring her to his bedroom"

"After a few minutes zani awake and didn't remember what happened Levi yelled at her and get angry at her she was scared and about to cry- but Kate appeared and support her "

"Zani goes out to find Lisa she was in the library she still feels traumatized by what happened so after saw zani Lisa suddenly run in fear Vincent ask what's going on and she explain it to him"

"So Vincent convinced zani to apologize to Levi she was hesitant at first but she convinced her so indeed zani comes to Levi office to apologize surprisingly Levi accept the apologize saying that she didn't remember what happened "

"After that they trying to figure things out about what happend to zani why and how , so they started  a plan tomorrow to meet up so they can make some experiment"

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