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Felix : but that's impossible!!!

Kevin : yeah our wolrd is very very closed for human and no human entities can goes to here even tho if they do they probably would die instantly

Sakura : okay let me explain-
So recently exactly on blood night I saw a someone use a forbidden magic by summons a human to our wolrd my theory is that , that human is still alive and stay somewhere in here!

Merlia : but how did that effecting our wolrd ?

Sakura : princess, one human is contain enough positive energy to attract our negative wolrd , it's like how magnet works ,
Cuz our wolrd is full of negative energy due to us darkness creture a human who full with positive energy would make the universe points at them and might do unusual things-

Zach : so what's is your ideas to stop this majesty sakura?

Sakura : the best thing to do is find the human and kill them!!

Levi : *knuckles*

Fin: ?? Is everything okay ? Majesty Levi??

Levi : ah um yes ofc , I 100% agree! If we let this continue it might couse an unstable climate in our wolrd!

Fin : but how can we indtify if they a human or not?

Sakura : well it's easy we can tell our people to see if they find any suspicious person or someone unseen before they should brought them into the castle , after that I'm gonna give them this!

Zach : whoa what is that?

Sakura : this actually the sight of truth potion if this potion gets splash to our world entity this will not have any effect on them but if this potion being splash to human entities this would make them sleep so we can catch them easily

Merlia : whoa that's a great ideas!

"So then the meeting ends by princess sakura gives each kingdom the same potion in hope that they will find the human that they looking for "

"Levi was no exception princess sakura handed the potion to him too "

"He knows that the human was on his castle but he was confused what to do so after that he was resting on the castle balcony while talking to his waiters"

Levi : *glup* ugh- what should I do sam??

Sam : umm- I don't know what are you talking about your highness hehe- ;;

"Levi face got reddish cuz how much alcohol he drinks"

"He started to talking nonsensely but Sam just nodded and go along with it "

Sam : um- your majesty I think you had too much drink tonight do u want a water instead?

Levi : uhhgg- fine ill take a shower instead ugh-
*walked in zig zag*

Sam : wait your majesty!!!

"Levi walked in zig zag while so drunk he almost fall but keep walking "

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