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Summer's POV

Mr.Wilson~ Jacob!? Did you hear me?? What is the constant of proportionality?  C'mon. This is easy. You should have learned this 3 years ago in the 7th grade

Jacob~ um..s-sorry sir..but i don't kn-

Mr.Wilson~ you dont what? Are tou trying to tell me you don't know.. this is ridiculous.  You must have taken some developmental math classes in order to make it this far in school

Class~ *laughs*

Jacob~ *frowns*

I really didn't like the way Mr.Wilson was talking to Jacob.. he probably didn't know his math that well but he still didn't have to talk to Jacob that way. I looked over to Jacob and saw his eyes getting watery while the class was laughing and teasing Jacob because he didn't know the answer.. I just couldn't stand it.. for some reason i got upset and did the impossible


Class~ *gets quiet*

Me~ *stands up* yeah that's right i said it.. have a problem with that??

Mr. Wilson~ Ms. Rivera.. you may sit down rig-

Me~ No! I will not sit down.. just because he doesn't know the freaking answer you shouldn't talk to him that way! I mean. You have no idea what all he's been through and you're just gonna..talk to him that way!

Mr.Wilson~ Summer!? How dare you talk to me that way?

Me~ excuse me Mr.Wilson.. but how dare you talk to Jacob that way? he's a student for God's sake!

Jacob~ *grabs my arm* summer.. it's okay. Just sit down

Mr.wilson~ no sir. Mr. Perez im afraid she isn't going to sit down. Rivera. You may leave my class if you have a problem. With the way i teach my students

Me~ fine. I will. *grabs my stuff and stops at the door* and by the way. The answer is  5. You have to divide 25 by 5 jacob

Jacob~ *raises hand* thanks

Me~ *smiles* your welcome. *walks out*

I really don't know who Mr.Wilson think i am.. if he thinks im gonna cry because he kicked me out. I know all of that shit anyways *checks watch* 12 minutes until the next bell rings. I'll just go to Ms.Kay's class. She loves meh. *goes to Ms.Kay's class*

  At Lunch (no one's POV)

Summer~ *looks around cafeteria * hmm.. where to sit?

Jacob ~ SUMMIE!!

Summer~ oh. There we go *walks to table with Jacob and his friends *

Jacob~ *smiles* heyy summie!

Summer~ *laughs* hi Jakey . Hi Ray, Chres, and Trey

Ray&Chres~ hey

Trey~ wassup lil mama

Summer~ *giggles* omg Trey. You have to be so extra

Trey~ only for the beautiful *blows kiss*

Summer~ *blushes* Thanks

Trey~ anytime babe

Jacob~ Summer. Thanks for doing what you did for me in 3rd period.

Summer~ no problem. That's what best friends do. Right? *elbows jacob in the arm*

Jacob~ *smiles* oh. Stop!

Summer~ oh c'mon Jacob.. you know you luhh me!

Jacob~ yeah you cool or whatever.

Summer~ . I swear. You stay frontin . But anyways for the week that i've been here i see that you seem to. *pauses* struggle with your math.

Jacob ~ *looks up* yeah.. i mean it's hard. And today Mr. Wilson said if i don't get my act up.. he's gonna fail meh. So i was thinking about maybe going to tutoring today after school

Summer~ *laughs* c'mon Jake you know that stuff's no use whatsoever

Chresanto~ yeah.. the girl's got a point princeton

Trey~ yeah. Princeton

Jacob~ so! What else am i supposed to do  then huh? If i don't do tutoring.  Then how else Am i gonna pass math. And you already know that Wilson's a big bitch already

Summer~ *rolls her eyes* ugh! Tell me about it! But anyways you know that with tutoring if you didn't apply for it in the beginning of the year you have to pay for it?

Jacob ~ how much?

Summer~ it's like. $2.00 n hour.. and you know that your gonna need well over 2 hours if you're trynna pass

Jacob~ and what does that mean?

Ray~ Charlese.. she's pretty smart. She helped me with my math

Summer~ no. No. He needs a girl that's gonna actually spend time with actually trying to help and tutor you. And we all know that's not her plans

Jacob~ c'mon summer! She's not that bad. Plus how else do expect me to pass

Summer~ hello! The answer is right in front of you! You really want a thot to tutor you Jake. C'mon. I care waay to much about you passing for you to have that tho-

Charlese~*walks to the table* hello. my friends told me that you needed a tutor. Jacob

Summer~ eavesdropping much?

Charlese~ *rolls her eyes* look here..bitch i didn't come over to start with you. I came over here to talk to jacob about tutoring him

Summer~ no. Bitch he doesn't need your help with anything and why are you listening to our conversation anyways

Charlese~ who you calling a bitch?!

Summer~ i believe I was talking to you.. little Ms. Thot-Bitch

Charlese~ girl please.. you just mad cuz im getting niggas and you aren't

Summer~ don't forget. You fuck hoes too. And your getting tons of infected/small dick. That's something to be proud of? Bitch get the fuck outta here

Charlese~ we'll finish this conversation soon. *gets in Jacob's face* princey *walks away*

Summer~ *shakes her head* ugh she really disgustes me. Look  princey you can get pussy later. But when you really want help with your math so you can pass on. Contact ya girl...Summer Rivera *walks away*

Jacob~ what the fuck just happened with my life??

  After School

Summer~ *walking towards her car*


Summer~ *stops and turns around* what do you want?

Jacob~ now i know you aren't mad at me Sum

Summer~ yess. I am actually

Jacob ~ bu-but whyy?!

Summer~ because. You aren't taking this stuff seriously Jacob. Like your just looking for somebody that can "tutor" then just bang you later. I really want to help you pass math Jake.. but you also have to help yourself if you want to be helped

Jacob~ im sorry. *reaches arms out* hug?

Summer~ *smiles* boy gone onn somewhere!

Jacob~ you know you want it *hugs Summer*

Summer~ o.m my gosh okayy!

Jacob~ can you tutor me pleeeaase

Summer~ noww you need my help?

Jacob~ c'mon Sum Bun.. don't do me like that. You know you luhh me *smirks*

Summer~ fine. Fine. Okay.. be over at 3:00 here's the adress *gives Jacob the adress*

Jacob~ **kisses Summer's cheek* thank you so much *runs away*

Summer ~ *stands there puzzled * what. The fuck?

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