Chapter 7

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Next Morning At School (Jacob's POV)

So after yesterday's incident with Summer, I just want to explain and apologize to her.. I understand that it's wrong for me to fuck the whole cheerleading team, but it's a long story.

Summer's POV

I just can't believe Jacob!! Just the thought of touching him disgusts me.. I think I'm gonna have to make new friends. Because Jacob just isn't what or who I thought he was.

Jacob~ SUMMER!

(Oh shit)

Me~ *tries to walk away fastly*
Jacob~ SUMMER! *catches you and grabs your arm*
Me~ *snatches arm away* don't you dare touch me Jacob Perez!
Jacob~ Summer..please just let me explain.
Me~ why should I?
Jacob~because.. you're my friend.and Friends should give each other a chance.and be there for each matter what
Me~ *rolls eyes and sighs* fine Jacob. explain *sits down on bench*
Jacob~ yay! *sits down* ok. *sighs and looks at me* you ready?
Me~ yeah.
Jacob~ ok. ....
Me~ im waiting..
Jacob~ it was only five.
Me~ five what...cheeleaders?
Jacob~ yes. all of this happened last year. and i was tired of everyone calling me gay.and the cheerleaders were trying to get me to be on the team. and the captain. Eriyca. I went over here house
Me~ to..
Jacob~ to tutor her.
Me~ oh gosh.
Jacob~ no.I'm serious.. i only wanted to tutor her.. but then she came out with a bra and underwear on.
Me~ *frowns*
Jacob~ because she figured that since I was "gay" it wouldn't bother me any.. but it did. and we had sex.
Me~ so why you couldn't just fuck her instead of the other four girls?!
Jacob~ because... they said if i had sex with them.. they would make the gay rumors stop and will stop picking on me about cheerleading
Me~ *frowns*
Jacob~ *grabs my hand* Summer I'm sorry I didn't tell you this before.. it. it's. just tha-
Me~ No Jake it's okay.. I'm sorry *tears up*
Jacob~ Summer you don't have to cry about it.
Me~ *shakes head* no I'm not crying about that I.... I have a secret too but I *sniffs* I just.
Jacob~ *hugs me* no. it's fine.. what is it Summer?
Me~ it's not
Jacob~ Sum we all have secrets.. it's fine if you have one. i mean i told you mine... amd I promise i won't judge
Me~ *wipes nose and looks up* finee.
Jacob~ yay. now c'mon ugly.
Me~ *laughs* shut up!
Jacob~ see. I made you laugh
Me~ yeah yeah i guess..
Jacob~ tell meh.
Me~ okayyy's a little hard to... you know tell. anyone without crying
Jacob~ ok... well. tell me later..I have to go to some program today with the B-Ball players and I'll be gone all school day.
Me~ but jakeyy! how come you didn't tell mehh!
Jacob~ because I didn't know myself until last night.. now gimme hug *reaches arms out*
Me~ *pouts and crosses arms*
Jacob~ aw c'mon Sum.. dnt be like that.
Me~ * talks in baby voice* but I wanna goo.
Jacob~ *sighs* Summer you can't.. if you could go I would take you
Me~ but imma be by myselff!
Jacob~ no you want!! You still have Ay- Ar...what that girl name is you be hanging with!
Summer~ Arianna..i think
Jacob~ yeah..her
Summer~ *sighs* okayy.
Excuse me students and teachers.. will you please allow the Varsity Basketball Players to come to the lobby of the school please..Coach August says please send all Varsity Basketball players to the front.. and come quietly please..
Me~ *whines* NOOO! Imma miss you babe!
Jacob~ babe!? oooo I likey!
Me~ *blushes* hush! this is serious Jake.. I dnt want you to go!
Jacob~ but I have to.. now gimme a hug Sum *reaches arms out again"
Me~ *sighs* ok.. *hugs Jacob* bye..
Jacob~ *kisses Summer's cheek and let's go* see ya later
Me~ just..come by later ok!?
Jacob~ aight.. *runs away*
Man..I'm really gonna miss Jacob today.
Bell Rings
Me~ here we go with the first hour of boredom..
3rd Period (Aint No POV Bih)
Summer~it aint barely even no body in here..
Mr.Wilson~ ok class.. since there's not that many people here.. we're gonna have a free day..
Class~ yess!!
Summer~ *sighs* it's gonna be a long day...
Ariane~ *taps Summer* Hi!
Summer~ *turns around* oh! hey Arianna
Ariane~it's Air•i•an ..but why you so down?
Summer~ i didn't want my best fwiend to leave!
Ariane~ ah c'mon now Summer! you'll see him tomorrow! or even later afterschool. it's good that he left anyway
Summer~ *gives a questioning look* why you say that??
Ariane~ so that you can make new friends!! Summer the only friends you have are guy friends... which is princeton's'll need a female friend in your life at some point..why not start now??
Summer~ i know.. but it's just when I first came.. my intentions weren't to have a female friend... my intentions weren't even to be friends with Jacob! I don't even know how that happened! *laughs*
Ariane~ *smiles*why didn't you want a female friend??...
Summer~because of my experiences I've had in Texas..
Ariane~ ohh.. Summer. tell me why you'te really here.. I wanna know you better.
Summer~ watchu mean?
Ariane~ like.. why did you come wayy over here from Texas?
Summer~ well in Texas.. I was living with my dad because he was based there.. and i just came over here with my mom because I was tired of the drama you know
Ariane~ *nods head* yeah that's more of the reason I'm here too.. but opposite. and my mom wasn't in the millitary tho.
Summer~ *laughs* ok. where you from again?
Atiane~ *giggles* Louisiana.
Summer~ which part? cuz i think i do hear a little accent in your voice.
Ariane~ *laughs* yeah you do.. I'm from Lafayette.
Summer~ REALLY! i used to live down there for like.. 2 years or so.
Ariane~ oh really? i've lived there all my life. except for now.
Summer~ *laughs* well i have a sister and some more family memebers that live down there
Ariane~ what's her name?
Summer~ Her name's Winter.. Winter Rivera
Ariane~ oh yeah.. she used to date my brother
Summer~ Jacobe is your brother!!
Ariane~ yeah.
Summer~ i knew i've seen those eyes,nose,and smile from somewhere.
Ariane~ *laughs* yep.. that's my annoying, irritating-
Summer~ sexy,tall,caramel
Ariane&Summer~ BROTHER!
Summer~ *laughs* if only they would've stayed together.
Ariane~ and hush with all that non sense about my bro.. Jacob is yours..
Summer~ *blushes* no he isn't.. i'm single. so I'm free to fly in the sky from guy to guy whenever I like.
Summer~ omf. loud!
Ariane~ lmfao.

Summer~ sooo. where you wanna sit??
Ariane~ let's sit overrr...there! *points outside*
Summer~ no way.. I'm not eating outside!
Ariane~ *pouts* but whyy!
Summer~ because.. there's mosquiloes, and flies and shit.
Ariane~ -mosquitoes - ..and plus. I like to sit out there.. you're not much of an outside person. are you?
Summer~ *shakes head* no. not really.
Ariane~ well you gone like it now so c'mon! *grabs Summer's hand and runs outside*
Summer~ hol up hol up slow down..!
Ariane~ *sits on the grass*
Summer~ *stands up next to her*
Ariane~ *pats on the space next to her* sit.. it won't hurt. i promise.
Summer~ok.. i'll try. *slowly sits on the grass*
Ariane~ i just love the feeling of nature. you know? just the. the feeling of wind blowing all in your face.. all in you hair. it's also a nice place and way to release negative energy and just relax, or meditate
Summer~ *nods head* ok..
Ariane~ *looks at Summer* look I know you aren't interested in these kinds of things but..just try, there has to be some stress or negative energy building up in your body that you just.. have to let go.
Summer~ i can't.. i don't even know how
Ariane~ never say you can't just try. want me to show you? look. *meditates*
Summer~ *does what Ariane is doing* i guess this.. really does feel relieving. *giggles*
Ariane~ shhh! just. relax.
Summer~ sure.. ms. bossy pants *continues to meditate*
Ariane~ *laughs then stops*remind me to never meditate with you nom-
Summer~ shh! it's working!
Ariane~ *smiles* no prob.. i'll just go get us some food *gets up to get some food*
Summer~ *breathes in the air* ohh shit.. *jumps up* WHERE'S MY- *sneezes* MEDICINE! *sneezes then looks through purse* oh no! oh no!
Ariane~ *comes back outside* SUMMER!
Summer~ *looks up* huh? *sneezes*
Ariane~ wha..what is it what's wrong??
Summer~ i forgot I was alergic to fucking pollen and I breathed this shit in! but I can't find my medicine.
Ariane~ no no I have some! *goes through purse* here ya go!
Summer~ *takes medicine* thanks Ariane! your a life saver!
Ariane~ no problem! oh! here's your buger.. and fry
Summer~ oh.. thanks. *sniffs*
Ariane~ no problem! *laughs*
Summer~ what??
Ariane~ you should've seen your face! omg.
Summer~ *laughs* i was scared bruh..
Ariane~ yeah.. I know you were.
Summer~ *smiles* you and me can make pretty good friends.
Ariane~ *gasps* omg ikr!!

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