The school

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(Hooooh boy I'm very self conscious on how long this chapter is compared to others. Needless to say: Constructive Criticism would be appreciated here. I can't tell if I gave too much detail in the wrong places, please help!)
They had entered a very old, damaged room. There was a tv with a denim jacket suit thing (I don't know what it's called lol) hanging from the shattered screen. The TV itself was hanging from a giant hole in the ceiling.
Rivers eyes widened with confusion.
"Geez what the heck happened here?"
She said.
"let's just leave this building...I don't have a good feeling about this"
Six said nervously
"This..." mono began, feeling pained "this place is giving me a small headache..."
His headache was coming in pulses. It felt like a heartbeat in his head.
Six gently patted his shoulder.
"You want us to try and find some ice somewhere near here? Or maybe go back to the beach?"
"No..I'll be fine" he replied.
With that they exited through a window and quickly ran across the street to the next building
"Soooo are aiming to find anywhere specific? Or are we just wandering aimlessly" six asked
"Well" mono began whilst climbing through another window "I was thinking we just explore for now, and if we find something interesting, great! If we don't, we leave before something scary catches us!"
"Maybe if we're lucky we'll find a safe building worth making our survival home!" River said, feeling hopeful.
"No, this city is crumbling and empty! I don't think that's a safe idea..." said mono,
Then, they ran into a window that was too high for all three of them to jump through.
"Alright, which one of us has to explore the other side? And of course find a way to get us all over there?" River asked
They all thought
"Well" six started "river your a good puzzle solver,, I know that for sure. You'd probably be the best bet, me and mono could find a way to get over there ourselves too." Six not so subtly wanted to be alone with mono.
"Hmm..." river thought about it for a second. She realized that would indeed mean six and mono would be alone together. She wasn't too fond of that idea. Though, she realized that maybe she was being a bit too over protective. Mono seemed nice, trustworthy, And completely harmless. Almost pathetically so. She decided to back off a little bit.
"Sure, hoist me up" river said, kinda excited to be the puzzle solver again.
Mono lifted her up, and with that, river was off. Mono and six searched around. They found a TV with a rope attached to it. They didn't know where it led to, or how it would even help, but it looked promising nonetheless! They stood on top of it.
Called out six. She waited for a response, however it seemed River wasn't close enough to hear.
"Sooo..what have you seen six?" Mono asked, trying to make conversation.
"I don't like talking about it..." she responded, getting a bit triggered by the memories.
"Oh that's fine. I get it. Hmm...anything your interested in?"
"I really like music boxes...their very comforting and pretty."
"Music boxes are nice! I mean, I think I prefer electronic music. But music box music is still very pretty"
"I haven't heard a lot of music dad wouldn't let me except for special occasions"
"What?! That's stupid! It's music? Who thinks that's the type of thing to keep for "special occasions"?? how over protective was he?"
"Well...he's not a good person...I'll leave it at that."
"Oh..." mono pieced together what that might've meant. He didn't want to ask about it, in case he was right.
"Anything else you like six?"
"Well..I also like arts and crafts...but I hate glue. It's sticky and gross"
"Oh that's fun! But I kinda like glue, I like peeling the extra off my hands when it dries"
"Understandable, I-"
six was confused
"OKAY! GO!" Mono shouted back.
River pushed the said "thing" of the ledge, which shot them both upwards incredibly fast! Six was not prepared, she stepped to safety and almost vomited from the sudden body movement.
" good?" Mono asked as six leaned against a wall to regain her balance.
"Yeah just...just give me a second, it's a mix of adrenaline and minor shock..."
"Six you really weren't jerked up that high..." said river
"oooOOOOOOKAY You two! don't fight about this, let's just go okay?" Mono interrupted.
River and six both said "okay" quietly under their breath.
They then made their way into the next room.
The next room had a TV. This TV was on. For some reason, being near this specific TV made mono's headache worse, it was unbearable. He could barely walk from the pain. Something had to turn that TV off. He hobbled towards it, intending to shut it off, but for some reason, it wouldn't. he put his hand on the screen, he wanted to cry from the pain. But somehow, he began to tune it.
After about three sets of tuning. He was teleported into a strange crooked hallway.
It was... the same hallway from his dream. That made him feel...uneasy to say the least...the dream was...real? Did that mean something dangerous was behind that door? He decided he HAD to find out. He ran towards it as fast as he could. His movements were slowed. However, before he could get too close he was ejected out of the screen. River and six were next to him on the floor.
"Where'd you go? What just happened?"
Six asked
"I...I don't was a strange hallway with a door at the end, everything moved like it was in slow motion. I've had dreams about that's...strange"
"Strange for sure...let's...let's leave this room okay?" Six said, a bit scared.
"Y-Yeah..." mono began, still dazed from the pain.
"definitely..." with that, he stood up. He ran towards the empty window slot. They all jumped through it and immediately noticed the school.
"Woah..." river said. she took a good look at the fence, trying to find some sort of entrance point.  "how do we get in?"
Mono looked around as well "no clue, let's move uhhhhhhh-" he noticed a dumpster that was placed directly against the fence. "this! maybe there's an hole or something behind it!" mono tried to pull on the handle. It didn't budge.
"Uh.." he tried it again. Nothing.
River and six could tell he needed help, all together they dragged it far enough to find a hole in the fence.
They used the hole to enter the blacktop play yard.
"'s really big..." River said,
"Hm..." mono thought about something for a second. "this place kinda feels like we're being lured into the back of a white van. you know, the ones grown ups tell us to avoid?"
"Yeah.." river said "I see what you mean, let's watch our backs here."
They all ran across the playground. Mono noticed a sheet rope coming from one of the windows, he paused for a second in confusion.
"What the..."
He made his way towards it to check it out. After digging a ball out of a dumpster, then turning it into a hat of course. You know, like you do. Six and river followed close behind. Six opened her mouth to comment on what he just did. But river covered six's mouth, because river firmly decided she didn't want to know.
"Huh...that can't be good" mono said casually, as if he didn't just dig a ball out of the trash.
"Well! better climb it to get inside :D!"
He began climbing. However, he was scared it would fall apart on the way up. Six and river still followed close behind him
"Soo where and what do we do now?" River asked after they plopped down onto the wood floor.
"Huh..." six started quietly. "well I see a pull lever type thing right there, I'll go see what it does..."
She pulled it down. The lights went out in the halls. However, they could spot a light peeking through the painting on the wall. They quickly put two and two together.
"Well, guess we gotta find something to throw at it..." mono said, knowing very well they wouldn't be able to just take it off the wall. For they all were too damn short.
He turned the lights back on, and began exploring the limited amount of space he had access to. They quickly found a set of rooms that appeared to be dormitories.
"The kids stay the night? Guess that makes sense, the outside is kinda a wasteland" river said
Mono noticed a ball on the floor
"Aha!" He picked it up.
Six picked up an object too. She wanted mono's approval. So she decided to copy his actions.
River gave her an eyebrow raise quite confused.
Mono made his way back to the painting and threw the ball at it. It fell and revealed a hole in the wall. Which led them into the suspected secret room.
The room didn't appear to lead anywhere. All it had was a desk and a chair.
"Huh...dead end" mono said.
Six shook her head "Not a dead end." She pointed to the floor. "look, a loose floorboard..."
She began to jump on said floorboard
"Oh! I see!" River said
She jumped with six, causing the floor to break open. They all fell down into the vent systems. they yelped in surprise. Six fell on top of mono.
"Ah! Sorry..."
"Eeugh" he groaned "it's alright" he stood up, then looked around.
"Woah, why is this vent system so big?" Mono asked.
Six blinked repeatedly at him sarcastically.
"I think we're just small mono..." six said.
He paused.
"That's probably it!"
He then quickly began running through the vents. Six and river still followed behind him.
Eventually, they managed to find an exit into a hallway.
River whispered to them both.
"Guys, do you hear something?"
It came from around the corner, It sounded like nails on a chalkboard.
"..." mono paused for a second
"Tiptoe and be quiet..." he whispered.
They quietly got closer. however, from around the corner they could see a seemingly tall person's shadow.
"What...what is that?" River asked.
Suddenly, they could see the shadow of a woman's neck lower and pop back into place with a sickening crack. They heard the sound of a door slam shut. Then, the woman's shadow disappeared. River covered her Mouth to prevent herself from screaming.
Mono and six's jaws dropped trying to process what in the fresh FUCK they just saw.
It took them a second to start moving again.
They quickly made their way down the hallway, until six noticed something about the ceiling, she gasped quietly and grabbed mono's shoulders
Mono turned his head "hm?"
"There's an out of place board, plus I see a trap above us. Be careful"
Mono nodded, then carefully avoided the board, river picked up on what was happening and did the same as the two of them. They continued on
until, something that looked like another child ran past them across the halls. Mono perked up!
"Hey!" He called out, but the kid didn't stop.
He thought that might've been a potential new friend! Boy was he wrong.
there was now nowhere to go except down a hallway, six looked around above them, she grabbed mono's shoulders again.
"Locker up above, Be careful"
He nodded again "thanks"
"Stooooop leaving me out of whisper sessions"
River butted in
"Oh right, locker trap up above be careful!" Six whispered to river.
They carefully walked down that hallway,
River yelped when the locker inevitably fell. She knew it was coming, it was just loud.
they hopped over the lockers and immediately noticed the table on its side
"Oi, mono-"
"I see it don't worry"
They were referring to the marks on the table, and the duck right next to it. It was clearly a setup.
"We should be either of you see the specific board trap?" Mono asked
"No...we should probably crouch down.."
"Wait..." six began "that table looks too tall guys...maybe we should trigger the trap...judging by the marks on the table the trap object seems to be long and heavy." she looked up, she saw the ceiling light. It was indeed long and flat. enough for them to jump on.
"Yeah, thats probably the way to get across, I'm the smallest so I don't mind being the one to trigger it?" Six offered.
"Sure thing six, just be careful!" River begged
Six crouched down and focused her attention, she knew crouching would probably be enough to keep her safe. But for the sake of caution she began crawling. She stepped on the board which caused the hanging light to smack against the table loudly. giving the three of them a flat surface to climb on. She crawled out and jumped over it onto the other side.
They followed. However, mono took the lead again afterwards.
They carefully with full attention to their surroundings walked down the next hall, there wasn't much to it. However they were so focused on "above" that they didn't hear the sound of someone fiddling with one of the lockers from behind.
A locker abruptly opened up and dropped on mono, trapping him. River began to run towards him. However, a group of bullies had her and six surrounded. They pounced, grabbing six. Then, one tried to grab river, but she elbowed its head from behind, cracking it open and killing it. The rest realized the danger they were in and began dragging six away, river panicked.
She ran back and forth in a short line trying to figure out who to help first...mono or six. Soon it was too late to make a decision. Mono managed to roll on out of the locker and stand up, he glared at river through the bag
"Not so great in a crisis are you river?"
"Not even a little to be honest..." she replied
"I noticed, I'm fine thanks for asking" he hissed.
"Sorry mono...they took six! Should we follow them? Or find her a different way?"
"Well we have to find her!" He began desperately "let's search the whole school, she's bound to be in here somewhere!"
"Mono...that's going to take forever..."
"Well what else can we do? Just leave her behind?"
"No of course not! I just...I don't know where we should even begin! This school is huge! She could be dead by now! I AM going to look for her! I care about her a lot...but what if she IS dead mono?"
"Well..." he started to sound even more panicked at the thought of six being dead. "I don't know...but we have to try finding her first! Shes our friend right?"
River nodded "yeah, an attempt first is basic human decency!"
With that they were off.
They began moving down another hallway. However, they noticed the sound of someone writing on a chalkboard down the hall. They also noticed an elevator. They quickly tried to use it. But it needed a key
"Oh god...we should go search where that chalk sound is coming from! Whoever is in there probably has the key on them." River suggested
"Good idea..." said mono
As they got closer they realized what that noise actually meant.
"Oh boy" mono started "someones teaching a class. Try not to get noticed"
River nodded,
They peeked into the classroom, the teacher was turned around. The desks conveniently seemed to be the perfect place to hide. So they made their way across, their hearts beating aggressively with fear. Mono made It first. He signaled for river to stay where she was. She complied. After A couple of minutes she heard a loud crash in the other room, she put a hand over her mouth to silence herself. The teacher made a surprised sound and ran towards the room.
"Oh geez mono, don't get caught, don't get caught"
She heard a sickening neck pop sound and assumed the worst...
However soon the teacher returned to her normal position, without mono. That gave river some hope. She heard the creaking of a cupboard. Mono snuck across the room again, motioning for river to follow him. They bolted to the elevator. Mono seemed incredibly distressed. Once they made it to the next floor. Mono immediately dropped to the floor, entering the fetal position, shaking aggressively.
"?? Mono?" River began
"I saw things..." he said
"Well what-"
he shook even more aggressively
"Okay well calm down mono...I get you've seen some things. But you can shake in terror later. Maybe even in sixes arms" she teased.
"H-Huh?" He said "h-heh, y-you think she'd let me do that?" He stood up and shook his head, blushing furiously. However, river couldn't see that, due to the bag.
"A-Anyway, we have to find her!"
With that they continued on. Facing the teacher multiple times, and having to figure out a couple different puzzles. River found a green backpack on the way, she decided to keep it because it looked useful.
The lunchroom, however, was hard to figure out
Mono had the bullies head to keep himself safe.
but river didn't have anything to disguise herself with
"Wait..." river thought
"I kinda look like that girl right there" she pointed to the female bully design with longest hair
"Maybe I can disguise myself with her clothes and make myself look like her?" She took off her raincoat to reveal a pink long sleeve dress.
"Good idea river!" Said mono.
She looked at him.
"Turn around while I change creep!" She said
His eyes widened in realization
"A!! Right sorry"
He turned around and waited for her
"There!" She proclaimed once she finished, she was successful. She looked just like the bully!
"Do you think I'm convincing?" She asked once mono turned around
"Wow...yes you are!"
It worked, they made it through the lunchroom unharmed.
Eventually they found six.
She was hanging from a bathroom ceiling upside down.
Two boys were guarding the boards that would release her.
"SIX!" They both shouted
They quickly crushed the bullies skulls, and began breaking down the boards to save six.
Mono ran underneath her so he could catch her, all romantic like.
"I got her!" He shouted.
Mono missed her, and six fell to the floor.
"I had her" mono said a bit quieter
She gasped and shot upwards, frantically looking at her surroundings. She was clearly very confused. She looked at mono and flinched
"A-Are you alright six?" He reached out his hand, feeling quite bad that he didn't catch her.
"Y-Yeah I think...just a bit dizzy"
He helped her stand up, river moved closer to them.
"Did you hit your head too hard? You might have a concussion..."
Six lost her balance for a second, but mono caught her.
"N-No...I was just upside down for a long while...and the blood rush hurts"
"Ah, that makes sense" mono said "do you need to be held till you get your balance back?" He asked.
She immediately looked him in the eye "yes" she said, without a second thought. She didn't really need it. She just wanted him to hold her.
After like, a good minute of six hugging mono. they pushed up the window and walked over a board that led to the next room.
They continued on,
Well, they continued until...six had a moment.
She spotted an unsuspecting bully in the halls. If looks could kill, that empty doll would be dead.
She snuck behind it, wanting revenge.
She assumed it would be an easy kill. however, she overestimated her own strength. She throttled it. Trying to bash its skull against the floor.
it took a couple smacks before it's skull shattered.
She stood up, breathing in ragged unstable breaths.
she was beginning to break.
She refused to be a helpless little girl ever again. she had a bone to pick, and she'd make it every beasts problem. She'd show them all. Especially her father.
River looked at her,
She could tell something was very wrong.
She put a hand on sixes shoulder, trying to comfort her.
However, that caused six to flinch and instinctively elbow whatever threat was trying to touch her now.
River managed to dodge the attack.
"S-Six! What was that for" river said quite alarmed by sixes sudden aggression.
Six took a deep breath. "Sorry...I'm sorry...I'm...I'm..."
She began to take shallow, shaky breaths. She was clearly about to have an intense mental breakdown.
Mono could tell he was needed.
"Six..are you okay?" He asked
Six shook her head as she teared up. She started scratching her arms as if it was itchy, quickly spiraling.
She began biting her lip so that she wouldn't cry. She didn't want to seem weak. Especially in front of mono.
Mono grew concerned, he held her hand softly
"it's okay six...I don't know what's wrong, and you don't have to tell me. But we're here for you...okay?"
She nodded and started crying softly. He hugged her tightly. she hugged him back, now directly crying into his chest.
River joined the hug train.
However, their group hug moment had to end eventually, as they were still stuck in the school. They had to get out of there!
They had to get past the teacher one final time.
"Hey...why don't I do the dangerous part this time? I want to help..." six offered.
"Oh..." began river "if you want to, then sure! We've got your back. If you get caught we can just...try to distract her so you can escape."
six nodded and completed the puzzle. Feeling quite confident due to the fact she wasn't alone anymore.
Once she made it back to the others. they opened up a vent to escape.
However, the sound of the vents opening alerted the teacher!
They scrambled through the vents as fast as they could. All while the teachers head forcefully hunted them down.
It was a tight squeeze, so all they could do was crawl. Which made the situation even more tense! Since, you know, it slowed them down considerably.
Eventually, the vents widened enough so that they could finally stand.
They bolted for it.
They finally managed to escape the teacher. River made it through the exit no problem. Six was next. However, she didn't slide to safety. She waited for mono, she reached her hand out to catch him. She knew he could've easily made it across by himself, she just wanted to make sure he was safe...
He took her hand.
Then, he lifted himself up.
He held her in his arms as they slid down the roof together.
Completing the level.

Everyone lives (little nightmares, contains Six x Mono)Where stories live. Discover now