chapter 3

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Hey !!! Allright so i gave you some hinny and romione
So umm yah... Im not the best at it but if you have any ideas or mussy chapters you can right for me please help and I'll give you credit and anything else tou want execpt money anywat thanks ily!!


I walk back into the great hall checking to see if hermione and ron are still snogging each other , but walk in on them asking me questions about what happened. I reluctantly tried to answer as many as i can but give up and try to explain to them what happened.

"Its alright im fine,sit down so I can explain, " i say

As we sit done in the great hall

Hermione says,"well you better explain to us what happened .That wasnt a very nice thing you pulled on us!"

"Bloody hell mate, we thought you were dead ! I reckon , you didnt expect us to believe you fled, right?", questions Ron

"No of course i didnt leave !! Now if you both be quiet i can explain to u what happened !",i yell ,annoyed.

They nod there heads in aggrement before i start talking.

" Allright so after snape died,umm i went into his memories , i guess tou can say but i saw everything.

Snape was always working for the order , and was a spy for dumbledore. Dumboldore knew he was going to die because of that stupid son of a bitch ring he had to destroy,so his whole death was planed out.Snape always worked for dumbledore ever since the beginning ,because...because he umm-er ,well he loved my mom. "

I see and mix of shock and pity in there eyes but continue before they can say anything.

"Anyway i went back and saw how Snape and my mom got along and they were really good friends , maybe even more than that,but yah you can imagine i guess.But anyway they had plenty of fights untill one day he called her a mudblood and well you can see were that went .

The point is that after that i went into a memory of snape and dumbledore talking in Dumboldores office . and they were umm talking about the horcruxes. Well you know hows there seven? Well Voldemort never meant to make a seven one. Which is what happened the day he didnt kill me.

Hermiones eyes widen in understandment but Rons whos not a genius is still putting it together.

"Guys ",i say ,"i was the seventh hurcrux. So that meant that voldemort had to kill me in order for him to die"

Hermione has tears in her eyes but ron screams ,"BLOODY HELL MATE! Why didnt you say!we couldve-

"Held me back and make sure i wouldnt go "

Ron looks down

"Yah i thought so mate",i say giving a weak smile.

"Well anyway as i left i gave the job a killing the last one to neville , telling him i'd be back",i say feeling guilty ,scratching the back of my neak, " so i went on a suicide mission and well umm Voldemort killed me ",i say weakly before continuing ,"and i was kimda dead ,and i talked to dumbldore and well yah---umm i came back but played dead.thats when hagrid came running in crying picking me up on voldemorts orders and went back to the castle to tell you all a lie than in all the chaos i slide under my invisability cloak and took off to help,so yah thats pretty much it",i say fighting back tears. Hermione nods ands says,"well at least your okay now",smiling weakly.

"I reckon you better get some rest we will talk to you later",said ron

"Allright night ohh and bye the way",i say smiling mischievously,"i cant you and hermione snogging!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2015 ⏰

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