Challenge Twenty Three:

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Song: "Jealous" by Nick Jonas

"I don't like the way he's looking at you

I'm starting to think you want him too

Am I crazy, have I lost ya?

Even though I know you love me, can't help it."

[Message][To Gaara]: Do you want to hang out today? C:

[Message][From Gaara]: Sure, when and where?

[Message][To Gaara]: Let's meet at Hokage park, do you know where that is? ^^

[Message][From Gaara]: Yeah I know where that is. Meet me there in ten minutes?

[Message][To Gaara]: Sounds good! See you soon :D

[Message][From Gaara]: See you.

You threw on your jacket as it was still winter. You tucked your phone into your left front pocket before you headed out the door.

You saw Gaara sitting on a bench so you plopped down next to him. He jumped and you laughed. "Hi." You stated.

"Hey." He replied with a half smile.

"Is it okay if we just talk here? I don't have anything really extravagant planned. We can walk around the lake if you get too cold." You said sheepishly, scratching the back of your head.

"That's fine. I'd hate to impose on you." Gaara responded, honestly.

You curled your legs under you so you were sitting criss cross applesauce. "Since we don't know much about each other, we should take turns saying a fact about ourselves. I'll start I guess... My full name is y/n l/n." You stated.

"I have a brother and a sister." Gaara said.

"What are their names?" You asked curiously.

"Kankuro and Temari." He replied. "Kankuro is two years older than me, and Temari is three years older than me."

"I'm an only child, and it's overrated. Having siblings seems so fun!" You exclaimed enthusiastically.

"Having siblings is alright, most of the time." Gaara responded.

"Okay now about me... I've done judo most of my life. It's definitely my passion. I was never into other sports though I enjoy soccer and track." You said.

"I can tell that you've practiced for a long time, you're very good at it." He stated.

"Oh thanks..." You replied awkwardly, face flushing a little bit. You knew you wen't horrible at judo, but when someone praised you in such a blunt way... You were a little embarrassed.

"I've never been popular. I'm always the loner, the outcast. I... I really trust you to keep this a secret, but I've tried to kill myself before." Gaara said quietly, looking down at his shoes.

You took Gaara's hand, clasping it between both of yours. "I'm always there for you. Use my phone number as your suicide hotline. I don't care if it's three am, call me or text me. I care, okay?" You stated seriously.

Little did you know Sasuke was hiding behind a tree and watching you. He was too far away to make out your words, but he could see you clearly. He fumed when you took Gaara's hand. "That asshole." Sasuke muttered, glaring at Gaara angrily.

"I know. I'm lucky to have someone like you care about me." Gaara replied quietly, fiddling with his jacket zipper.

"My parents live in Japan and work there. I lived in Japan for a few months when I was a baby then we moved here because my dad's work got transferred. A few months ago my dad was called back to Japan but I wanted to continue my education here. All of my friends are here and also I only know simple common Japanese phrases. So yeah..." You rambled.

"If you ever feel lonely, I'm here for you." He said.

"Yeah I have a bunch of really lovely friends and I feel very lucky to have that. If I didn't have friends, I would be a lot lonelier." You responded.

"My dad was actually the mayor here for a term, and my mother is deceased. She had a battle with cancer, and it spread to the brain. She unfortunately lost that battle when I was ten." Gaara told you.

"I'm so sorry. And I know that simple words don't mean much but it shows that someone cares." You said.

"Thank you, I suppose you're an easy person to talk to. You don't judge and you give good advice." He replied.

"Really?" You asked and Gaara nodded. "Okay, I've never heard that before. So it's my turn... My favorite flavor of ice cream is mint chocolate chip." You continued.

Gaara laughed, "We were talking about all this serious shit and you just pull that out of nowhere!"

You laughed, until something got into your eye. "Ow fucking hell!" You yelled, making a woman nearby cover her child's ears and glare at you.

"What's wrong?" Gaara asked, looking frantic.

"There's something in my eye." You replied, poking at your eye frantically.

"Calm down, let me look at it. I'll see if I can see what's in your eye." He replied. He grabbed your chin and pulled you closer to inspect your eye.

Sasuke, who was still hiding behind the tree, frowned. "What the hell is he doing?" Sasuke spat.

"Is it there?" You asked, opening the wounded eye wide so Gaara could look for the stupid thing in it.

"I can't see anything." He said as he pulled back. "I would just keep your eye closed for a bit so whatever is in it can be cried out. I'll go get a water bottle in case we need to try to wash it out." He added.

"Fucking hell." Sasuke muttered as Gaara walked away. Then he sped walked towards you and grabbed your arm roughy.

"Ouch! Sasuke what the fuck are you doing?" You asked, pulling your arm out of his tight grasp.

"What are you doing on a date with him?" He spat, voice dark.

"We're not on a date! We're just hanging out as friends!" You protested, frowning at Sasuke.

"Then why did you kiss? I doubt you just kiss your friends for the fun of it!" Sasuke retorted.

"We never kissed." Gaara replied, coming out of nowhere with a water bottle in hand.

"You grabbed her chin and pulled her towards you! It's not like you were just staring at each other of some other bullshit!" Sasuke replied angrily.

"I had something in my eye and he was looking to see if he could get it out! Hell, it's still in my fucking eye right now." You exclaimed.

"That's an excuse if I've ever heard one." Sasuke snorted, starting to walk away.

"Sasuke, why are you acting like this?" You asked, feeling frustrated.

"Isn't it obvious?" He replied. You shook your head.

"I like you."

Finally! Yes this is my longest story yet and I'm very excited to come to the point where Sasuke actually confesses. Yay! But everything isn't going to go as smoothly as planned *hinthint*


~ Jess

Remember: I love you guys, so remember to love yourself <3

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