Chapter 3 - Friends

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Rantaro Pov

Like yesterday, I go to Korekiyo's dorm and ring the doorbell. It doesn't take long for him to answer.

'G-Good morning Rantaro.'

Did he just... stutter?

'Are you okay Korekiyo?' I ask, slightly concerned.

'Do not worry about me,' he says shakily. Judging by the dark circles under his eyes, I'm guessing he didn't get much sleep either.

'Anyway,' I say, brushing it off, 'Would you like to go to the library again? There's something I'd like to check out.'

Korekiyo nods. 'It's not like I have any plans... Yes, let's go.'

Korekiyo Pov

As we walk to the library, I find myself getting lost in thought. What's different about Rantaro? How come when he talks, I feel my heart beat faster? How come I could stare into his eyes for hours? Wait no, that's just creepy.

I hadn't even realised we'd arrived at the library until Rantaro taps my shoulder. 'Korekiyo, are you okay? You've been staring into space for a while...'

'Oh, my apologies,' I say, 'I was just deep in thought.'

Rantaro nods and starts walking around the library, looking at the tops of the bookshelves. At one, he stops and examines the floor, before standing up again.

Rantaro walks back towards me. 'Right, I'm done now,' he says, 'Now we can hang out and do other stuff that friends do.'


For some reason, that word feels like a knife in my chest. I feel something at the back of my throat and suddenly cough.

'I-I'll be right back...' I mumble before leaving the library. I rush towards the nearest bathroom and lean on the sink, trying to stop the stabbing pains.

Every second that passes, it gets harder to breathe. In a moment of desperation, I pull down my mask.

I freeze in shock as I see a drop of blood slide down my chin. The world spins as I start to cough again.

It feels like my throat is being shredded to pieces. A solid minute of coughing and gagging.

I close my eyes, not wanting to see the blood splattered across the sink.

Opening my eyes again, I cough one more time, then as quickly as it started, it ends.

Leaving behind a single, blood stained petal.

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