Another Dimension

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Btw, this whole chapter is set before episode one ;)

Echo creek

"Marco! Son, would you mind holding this up for me?" Rafael called out while attempting to stay balanced on the too small stool that was currently holding the overgrown man up. "Coming Da — whoa." Marco called back only to stop and stare at his father's current conditions. Rafael was on one foot while balancing on their small stool from the kitchen. He had a hammer in one hand while the other held up (or at least tried to) a long string of lights that were twinkling while tangling with Rafael's body.

Marco snorted and ran down the rest of the steps to help his father untangle himself. "I gotcha Dad." Marco said while trying to undo the knots made with his father's consistent struggling. "Marco. How about you go get the scissors?" Rafael suggested while trying to reach the other end of the lights only to tip on the stool and fall face first on the wooden floor. Marco facepalmed and sighed before making his way to the kitchen for a pair of scissors.

"Uh, Marco, I think I may have thrown them away. In the outside trash." Rafael fessed up sheepishly while still tugging against the lights tangled up tightly against his body. "Are you serious?" Marco asked while still making his way out to the front where the community owned trash can sat, in front of the driveway in the hot sweltering afternoon absorbing all the heat from the boiling sun.

"Throws the stupid scissors away. Who does that?" Marco mumbled under his breath while flipping open the heated lid. The brunette hissed in pain from the scorching heat that the sun sent down onto the black can but held his breath as he dug through the trash bag while feeling the sweat drip slowly down his boiling hot face. The smell of new trash bag and rotten eggs filled his nostrils as he continued to dig through.

"Aha! Scissors! You can't override me trash can!" Marco celebrated while sweating an unusual amount but still holding the pair of scissors in his right hand proudly. "Beat that!" Marco taunted at the trash can.

Just as the brunette was about to escape back to the air conditioned house, a swirling circle of red, blue, and green appeared out of nowhere right in the middle of the street and before Marco could do so much as blink, the swirling figure stopped momentarily as a boy, no older than Marco's age, dropped out and landing on the street with a painful thump. The swirling colors started to move once more than shrink slowly back to nonexistence.

Once the circle of colors disappeared from sight, Marco, still holding the scissors, glanced at the boy than where the portal had been, than the boy, than the portal again, and then returning his gaze back to the boy and taking in his features.

The boy showed off light tanned skin and perfectly spiked hair. He owned a pair of denim ripped jeans and wore a white tank top underneath a bright crimson red half zipped sweater. A watch wrapped around his wrist blinked on and off with the time 3:58 printed on it, showing that traveling from wherever he came from messed up the time that was originally printed.

His eyes were closed as he lay motionless and sideways on the street's messed up concrete.

Marco's mouth laid jaw dropped at the brunette momentarily before rushing to the stranger's side. "H — hey are you okay?!" Marco asked as he knelt down and checked for a pulse, exhaling a relieved sigh that it was steady. Marco attempted to shake the boy awake but got the same silent response. Coming up with no better idea on what to do, Marco picked the teen up with much effort and half dragged, half carried him inside.

"Marco? Did you get the scissors?" Rafael questioned before turning his head to face his son, seeing not just his son but another teen as well. "Marco who is this?" Rafael asked with a raised eyebrow in confusion. The brunette set the other teen on the couch and made his way over to the struggling father with the scissors in hand.

"I don't know? He just fell out of some sorta portal and landed on our street unconscious." Marco explained while snipping at the lines or lights tangled around his father's body. Rafael let his son continue to snip of the wire until he was able to slip out on his own.

"Well what should we do?" Marco asked Rafael who was currently looking at the teen while scratching his head in confusion.

"And where's Mom?" The teen asked Rafael who was currently poking at the stranger to see if he would move. "She is at the store getting stuff for dinner." Rafael explained and jumping seconds after due to the sudden shift the boy made in his unconscious state. Marco was about to ask another question before being stopped when the door was locked open behind the two.

Standing in the doorway was Angie carrying dozens of grocery bags that piled up to where only her eyes were visible. The mother grunted in struggle as she wobbled into the house and straight for the kitchen. "Mom!" Marco called out, running to assist his Mom with the groceries. "Oh hello Marco!" Angie replied cheerfully while letting Marco take a couple of bags off of her arms.

"Who's your friend?!" Angie added while catching a glance at Rafael still staring at the teen in confusion. "Er. . . he's not my friend. He fell from a portal that opened up randomly when I was — you know what, what I was doing isn't important but the point is that he isn't from around here." Marco blabbered quickly to Angie who only shook her head and laughed.

"Marco, it's okay to tell me if you made new friends!" She started but the brunette cut her off. "Mom! I saw the portal with my own eyes!" Marco argued back in frustration. Angie looked at the sleeping teen, then back to her son.
"Guess that means another exchange student!" Angie pointed out while clapping her hands excitedly whereas Marco only groaned and buried his face in his hands.


"Look boss, I think it's awake."

"Nah, still looks dead to me."

"No really look! His eye lids moving!"

"Out of my way!"

Cole slowly opened his eyes and adjusted to the bright light. His thoughts immediately went back to the previous events that took place.


Cole's head snapped up as he whipped his head side to side in hopes that the brunette was somewhere near him. Cole only slumped back to the wall in defeat to find no one else but him, a giant frog, and a small bird with a skull for a hat. The bird's face lightened when he saw Cole and ran over to the teen's cell.

Only then did Cole actually take in his surroundings.

The cell room was just like a normal cell in Ninjago with the bed in one corner and a toilet in the other. A bowl of green goop sat at Cole's feet along side a cup of contaminated water. Trying hard not to gag at the sight and smell, Cole stared at his approacher as the tiny bird reached the bars of the cell.

"Good morning sleepyhead!" The bird greeted with a high pitched but rather scratchy voice. "Who are you? Where's Kai?!" Cole demanded immediately but was hushed by the frog man timidly. "Well first of all, my name is Ludo, Mewni's most feared rival. Now who are you?" Ludo asked Cole who only scoffed and gave Ludo a hidden timid look.

"I'm not telling you anything unless you tell me where Kai is." Cole ordered the bird who only returned a look of confusion. "Who is Kai?" He asked and Cole mentally facepalmed and continued. "Kai, my best friend and — Er — closest brother." Cole explained without further detail. Ludo only continued his look of confusion and whispered something to the big frog man. 

The frog nodded and left the room while Ludo stayed by the cell with Cole.

"What do you want?" Cole asked but Ludo came to silence.

"You might be useful to me."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2021 ⏰

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