Balance: Close

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Dawn POV 

We all watched in shock as Auriana shot a crystal at Talia. The look on her face was drained of all emotion. 

Talia quickly dodged the attack, but did not shoot back. She quickly avoided every single crystal shot at her. 

Auriana viciously kept on aiming crystals and shooting, but she always missed. Suddenly, she stopped, and fell to the ground. Her forehead was a sickly green. Her face was stained with tears. 


Everything seemed to go in slow-motion. Everyone was slowly running towards the unconscious princess. 

"I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking." she apologized, and slipped into sleep. 

For years, I had always thought of Auriana as this cheerful, bubbly girl with an amazing singing voice. She was vibrant and always tried to keep everyone's spirits up. She lit everyone up with just one smile. She never let the fame and fortune get to her head. Sometimes she acted a little immature, but that could always be overlooked when you had a great personality. 

But on the inside, she was self-conscious, afraid, and held back a powerful urge to let herself go. Auriana must've been so afraid when she discovered this part of herself. Every single day, she would come to us with a smile. Inside her head, an urge to use the greater part of her powers was slowly getting pushed back, bit by bit. Inside, there was layer after layer of protection. Trying to protect US from getting hurt by all the emotions she had bundled up inside. 

After Jodan had become... deceased, the layers were slowly stripped off every single second. 

A ticking time bomb. 

Auriana had to let herself go. And the emotions she had been restraining for so long were finally free. 

"Let's set up camp here." Lev said, as we had already set up a tent for Auriana. 


"Princess Vega. A campfire!" a man shouted. I jolted out of my sleep. 

The sound of clanking silver was loud enough to hear throughout the forest. 

I ran outside, only to bump into Lev. No one else was awake. 


"I was just coming to wake you up." he murmured. I smiled. 


We both turned at the sound of the title. 

A figure in yellow pushed past the bushes, no one behind her. We stayed behind the trees, when I finally noticed that the campfire was still ablaze. I pointed it out to Lev. He slapped his forehead. 

The princess turned around slowly, checking for any intruders. She was about to call her soldiers, when Talia pounced on her. 

"Crystal Atmospherum!" she called. 

The yellow princess tried to dodge, but was caught in the bubble. Inside, the prisoner tried to conjure a spell, when suddenly her powers fritzed and sputtered. 

"What do you- Talia?" she put her hands against the crystal bubble, seemingly excited to see her. 

"Do I... know you?" she asked suspiciously. 

"Yes!" she called. 

"I don't remember you." Talia murmured, walking in a circle around the levitating sphere. 

The mustard princess rolled her eyes, and pulled out a pendant. It wasn't magical, but ordinary. It was made of blue crystals, complimenting her blue eyes. Talia gasped and pulled out a matching one. but instead, the crystals were yellow. 


Vega nodded excitedly. 

"How did you find me?" Talia asked. 

"Do you think you could let me out first?" 

Talia looked back at us. Lev shook his head, still suspicious of the stranger. The princess in the bubble rolled her eyes. 

"If you don't let me out, the guards will come. I don't think they'd be very happy when they see their princess trapped in a crystal bubble. 

I sighed and nodded. 

Talia waved her hand, and the bubble disappeared. The princess plopped onto the floor. 

"What do you want?" Talia scowled. Vega smiled bitterly. 

"Is that any way to treat an old friend?" 

"Vega, I haven't seen you in years. How do I know your intentions are honorable." 

Vega looked appalled. 

"I just want your help." she pleaded. 

"For what?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

She huffed, as if she was delaying this part of the news. She hung her head as she pulled out a contaminated crystal. Talia quickly slapped it away from her. Vega yelped and dove after it, catching it right before it hit the ground. 

"Careful!" she snapped. 

"One of those spells already hurt one of my friends and killed her brother. I don't want any more casualties." 

"It killed her brother?" she whispered. She looked afraid. 

"He was trying to help his wife, my sister." 


Suddenly, she cried out and grasped her heart. 

"Hey!" Lev caught her before she hit the ground. 

"Great." I muttered. 


Vega woke up just two hours after her faint. 

"How do you know Jodan?" Auriana marches over to Vega. 

"Auriana, please!" Talia exclaims. 

"If she knows something about my brother, I need to know!" she demands. 

Talia looks from me to Vega. Chandler, Iris, and Lev are still suspicious of her intentions, but they nod and let Auriana interrogate her. 

"What do you know about Jodan?" 

Vega remains calm. She smiles and acts friendly. 

"Auriana, I know nothing." 

She scowls. 

"You fainted after hearing the name Jodan. WHAT. DO. YOU. KNOW?!" Auriana starts to scream. Vega winces from the impact of her voice. 

"Jodan was my tutor when he visited the kingdom of the AniAni." 

"He never told me that." she murmured. 

Vega smiled winningly. 

"Can you let me go now?" 

Iris' eyes cloud over. 

"Iris! What are you doing?" 

"I-I don't know." she snapped out of it. 

"Persuasion." Lev mutters. 


"Persuasion. Some people have this ability to persuade people to do what they want." 

Vega sighed. 

"Guess the cat is out of the bag." she grins, and stands up. The crystal handcuffs are broken, and she starts to walk away. 

"Stop!" I order. Vega suddenly stops, but she is surprised at her own movements.

"How did you-" Vega demanded, but froze when I pulled out a necklace. 

"Persuasion." I smiled. 

"Let me interrogate her." I say, smiling wickedly. 

Lolirock: Balance -Third of the Lolirock SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now