04: The Escape

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- Bright's POV -

I sit here on the bench as I watch Win pace back and forth biting his nails.

Seriously, this guy. Just how many human habits did he pick up?


I was startled by the sudden groan of Win when he squats down and gripped his hair with two hands.

He suddenly looked up and glared at me and I would be lying if I say that it didn't scare me.

So this is how an angry cupid looks like?

"You!" He stood up and went in front of me. 

I squinted.

One thing you should know about us beings of Inania is that when we are overwhelmed, we glow. Like, blindingly glow.

But since we, Azralis, always live in isolation, we rarely exhibit emotions.  Hence, they can hardly see us like that. 

That is why right now, as Win stands before me, I have to look away because he's extremely radiating light and heat that I can actually feel warmth for the first time. 

 But also, because of the way he looks at me - with piercing gaze and smoking nostrils - he's really making me feel self-conscious...and guilty.

Which until now bothers me because why would I be guilty?!

"Bright!" He shouted to my face. When I ignored him, he shouted again. Louder this time. "BRIGHT!"

Good thing the park is deserted now, except for us, because of the heavy rain pour.

I sighed and responded in a defeated tone. "What?"

He glowered at me. "Why can't you look at me, huh? Starting to realize that this is all your fault, right?" He snapped at me as he put both of his hands on his waist.

What?! He's blaming me?!

I forced myself to look at him as I stood up, "Why me?! How was this my fault?"

He was taken aback for a few seconds because of my sudden action but soon recovered his stance.

"Well, if you didn't startle me, then I would have shot the arrow straight to Neen!" He snapped back at me.

"I just said bull's eye like you always do! Plus I said that after you counted down to one! How did that startle you?!"

"Well, I didn't know you were already here!"

"It's not like you need a grand announcement from me! I told you I would be back!"

"What you said was you would be back before I shoot my first arrow! I was waiting for you to come back but you were nowhere to be found! And then you're just going to jump me right out of nowhere?"

"So what exactly are you mad at me about? The fact that I was not here or the fact that I was here?"

I don't know why but that somehow shut him up. He blinked at me a few times before he let out a huff and strutted to the bench and sat down, folding his arms across his chest. He's looking anywhere besides me and I rolled my eyes before I sat beside him.

His brightness somehow lessened and gradually returned to normal.

There. I believe he's already calming down.

"This is still your fault."

Really? This guy?

If only he isn't looking cute right now, I would have smacked him in the head!

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