chapter one

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The morning  sun shining through the only window in her attic room had always been one of Davina Claire's favorite things. She loved watching the light shine on her chandelier that hung low on her  ceiling, seeing it fill the whole room with dancing light. She had probably painted this a hundred times and each time it was more beautiful, but not today. Lately the beauty had been lost on her.

It had just been two weeks since Kol Mikealson had died and each day it just got worse and worse. He was the first guy she ever had intense feelings for. She never loved him, she knew that, but she knew she was well on her way. She missed everything about him, his inability to have a conversation without extraneous flirting, his snide comments, the way he would smirk when he laughed.

But, they were always followed by the bad memories hearing his last shallow breath, seeing the light go out in his blue eyes, but feeling his spirit leave his body was the one she hated worst of all. It was a curse her mother had told her a long time ago after her grandmother had died. She told her it was because of how close witches are to nature and death was a natural process. She hated it. She hated it more than anything.

When he died she took his hand and placed it on her cheek were it had been less than an hour ago when they were dancing under the stars. She knew it was probably the last time she would ever get to feel the touch his skin on hers. She wanted to remember that feeling and to never lose it.

Elijah placed his hand on Davinas shoulder "we should go" but Davina refused to move. Elijah started pulling her up. Davina just screamed and moved frantically in Elijah's arms "No! No! No! Put me down! I can bring him back! I can bring him back!" She fought to get out of his grasp. He let go and Davina ran back over to her spell book. "There has to be something I overlooked, a spell, any thing. We have to bring him back! If Esther brought him back so can we. Rebecca get over here and help me. "

Rebecca walked slowly over to Davina with tears tracks down her alabaster cheeks .  "Davina I'm sorry, we tried everything, he's gone and he's not coming back, not this time. He cant body jump anymore, this is how he wanted it, he got his second chance at life. He died human that's all he ever wanted. he was my brother I understand your grief, but Elijah is right we have to go." In that Moment Davina lost all hope and an unimaginable pain set in and she started to cry and she felt like she would never stop.

Now the tears had dried and the pain had numbed  but so did everything else. She didn't care about anything eating and sleeping seemed to trivial, she was just numb. She just layed in her bed staring at the window waiting for the beauty to return.

There was a knock at the door "Davina!" Said a concerned voice on the other side of the door. "Davina it's Cami! Can I come it?" Davina remained right where she was. All she said was " its not locked.". Camille walked in slowly she didn't know what she was going to say. She hadnt really had much practice in grief counciling since she got her degree in psychotherapy she had mostly just been doing free sessions tending bar, but those were just about broken hearts, broken marriages, and the occasional adultery. She felt like had no clue what she was doing, but Marcel asked her to. She knew she had to be careful with what she said, one wrong word and the poor girl would break. Davina looked pitiful her once beautiful brown hair looked like a greasy tangled mop and her eyes were red from all the crying.

She sat at the end of the bed. Davina didn't even look at her. " Davina, we all miss you. Josh and Marcel are asking about you constantly.josh said you were rejecting his calls. Davina Im so sorry, it was a terrible thing that happened, but you cant stay in here forever and reject all your friends its not healthy. He just wants to know how you are. We all do." Davina just remained silent. "Please talk to me, that helped me when my brother died talking and getting my feelings out in the open."

Davina turned and looked the Blond girl right in the eyes. "What am I supposed to talk about, huh? The fact that we were dancing under the stars and then he's gone less than a hour later. The fact that i am laying here trying to remember every detail about him, but still I find memories getting blurrier and blurrier everyday. How I never though I would care for anyone after Tim died, never wanted to have feelings for anyone else then i meet kol and I can't help but fall for him and I loss him too. Or do you want to talk about the fact that I blame my self for not trying to save him just because everyone told me not to, I let that stop me, he could still be here right now." Davina found herself crying and yelling. "And don't you dare compare lossing your brother to me lossing kol because you had 23 years with him I had 6 months with kol. Its not fair!" The davina fell into a pit of sobs.

Camille didn't know what to say seeing the poor teen hurt like this was killing her. She did the only this she knew to do. She moved up to the top of the bed beside Davina and pulled her into her arms whispered "its all gonna be all right" davina spoke weakly through the sobs "how?" She answered and all her confidence washed away "I don't know."

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