Wheat in the fields

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    There was a tall creature, his skin an inky black, his hair a dark, but delicate purple, wisps of white hairs outlining his face from not age, but instead, from traveling to other worlds. This creature, an Enderman, an Enderian, one of the strongest, and also tallest of the world, besiding the endermother, was living in a small hut to himself, but a large hut to humans.

    His eyes, shining like Amethysts in the sun, while glowing a bone chilling purple in the night, was standing in a half plowed field, hoeing the slightly hard ground to get ready to plant crops.
    This creature in particular, was named Ezwyn. He was what was known as by humans as a farmer, due to his large field of crops.

    The crops in question, Wheat, Pumpkins, and melons, strawberries; now currently plowing a field for the beetroot, a sweet but tangy vegetable which he traded a hefty portion of wheat for.

    The Enderman, took a sigh, clearing his mind of thoughts, thoughts all but one; the small, little should he say, creature, sleeping on a silky, purple sheeted bed, which he also traded a hefty sum for. The creature was named Rosco.
    The furry creature being the only thing actively on Ezwyn's mind since the night they met; the circumstances of their meet being a not good reason, but being a reason none the less.

    Ezwyn and Rosco met from Rosco breaking into Ezwyn's crops field, stealing plenty of crops, and breaking a window at Ezwyn's cabin. Granted the reasons, the little creature made Ezwyn feel something unlike what he thought.
    Ezwyn, instead of feeling anger when he saw Rosco stealing crops, Ezwyn felt nervousness. His stomach bubbling with an unknown feeling, a feeling that would make sense in his language, but not the human's language.

    Rosco.. Rosco made Ezwyn feel warm, a complete opposite to the cool touch normally to Ezwyn's inky skin.
    Ezwyn sighed once more trying to shake away thoughts, picking up the hoe and hitting it into the ground, plowing the ground into proper farming land.

    He was getting ready for the next day, which he would teach Rosco how to plant seeds properly, and then Rosco would teach him english.

    Ezwyn unconsciously smiled to himself at the idea of spending time with the small creature. Rosco was, admittedly, a handful sometimes but Ezwyn did care for him, and enjoyed spending time with the creature.

    Ezwyn thought to earlier in the day, Rosco was sitting on Ezwyn's lap, Snuggling into him while that sat in the sun, the small creature peacefully napping like a cat Ezwyn had seen in those villages.

    Ezwyn smiled to himself about the not-so-distant memory between the two. They were comfortable where they were it was a nicely secluded area, the plains surrounded on all sides by and oak/birch forest, a dark oak forest with large mushrooms, and a large, spruce tree forest.

    The sweet moments they've had so far have put Ezwyn into absolute bliss, his head going fuzzy, in an ever so good way, when Rosco buries into Ezwyn, or when Rosco's soft hands gently tending to burns on ezwyn's inky skin from water, or fixing up the painful rips in his skin from unhinging his jaw.

    Rosco, despite being rough and sometimes rude, was caring, and gentle. To ezwyn, Rosco was like a strawberry; the little fruits can sometimes grow to be sour, or sometimes even bitter, but then there's also strawberries that grow to be sweet, and tasty.
    Ezwyn, using the nick name on Rosco every now and then, though in all honesty, Rosco sometimes doesn't like it.

    Ezwyn finished the field and sighed, setting the hoe aside and walking inside, sitting on the edge of the bed and carefully setting Rosco up, setting him on his lap and laying back on the bed.

    Ezwyn laid comfortably, with Rosco laying against him, holding the warm body on his chest. Ezwyn smiled, closing his eyes and holding Rosco gently to his chest while drifting off a little.
    Ezwyn doesn't sleep though, he slightly drifts, his mind traveling around, seeing worlds and worlds, while, this time, he drifted far, his mind blanking out into a soft slumber, holding Rosco absently while drifting.

    Ezwyn woke up in the morning with the sun shining through the purple tinted window, realizing the warmth on his chest wasn't there anymore, Ezwyn opening his eyes to look at his chest, then looked next to him, seeing Rosco nestled under his arm, snuggled into Ezwyn's side.

    Ezwyn broke a small smile, reaching a hand carefully and softly messing with some of Rosco's hair with his fingertips, watching him snuggle in more, making Ezwyn's mind melt with a familiarly warm feeling bubbling in his stomach.
    Ezwyn sighed, leaning his head back against the pillow once more, absently messing with Rosco's hair while waiting for his companion to wake up.

Ezwyn glanced around the small cabin for a moment, then glanced out the window, staring at the orange sky which slowly colored into blue as the sun rose higher and higher into the sky; loosing himself in the scenery, he almost didn't notice the soft grumbles rumbling from his companion as he awoke from his nightly slumber.

    Looking at his friend, friend?, Ezwyn smiled, rubbing Rosco's back as a silent good morning. "Mor-in'.." Rosco shifted a little, bringing up a hand to rub away the sleep from his eyes, Ezwyn admiring softly as his friend was waking up.
    Rosco grumbled a little, yawning a large yawn. "Ez.. I'm hungry." Ezwyn smiled, a sweet chuckle beginning to bubble from his lips, he stood from the bed to get Rosco some rabbit stew; a new food Rosco had taught him to make.

    Ezwyn smiled as he watched his friend much on the stew, finish it, then stand up and stretch. "Are we workin' on the fields today? You said we could." Ezwyn smiled a bit more, tapping his chin jokingly. "Did I..? I don't particularly remember, though I do suppose we can work on the fields."

    Rosco huffed in annoyance, punching Ezwyn in the arm, not particularly hard, and stomping outside to find his hoe; a smaller one than the one Ezwyn uses. Once finding it, he picked it up, dragging it over to the field Ezwyn prepared the night before. "Come on slow poke.."
    Rosco yelled to Ezwyn, turning around before jumping out of his fur and screaming when he heard the teleportation sound right behind himself.

    Rosco turning around abruptly and punching Ezwyn in the arm over and over, yelling about how it was mean, and that he needs to stop teleporting behind him. Ezwyn laughed happily, enjoying messing with Rosco.


    Ezwyn sighed, sitting against a tree while Rosco nestled into his lap for the afternoon nap. Ezwyn tangling a hand into Rosco's hair and petting softly while the afternoon sun slowly got lower and lower in the sky, silhouetting the wheat that grew in the fields around them.

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