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Kyle ends up staying through three seasons of Pretty Little Liars until he falls asleep. Even in his sleep he looks like a god.

When Kyle and I were together, I thought he was a player. I was a player. I never thought I could hurt him so bad.

I never noticed how attractive he really is. And how good he is for me. It seems like a lifetime ago that he pushed me up against a wall and kissed me.

I move slightly, trying to get settled in. His eyes flutter open and a moan excapes his lips.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't realize I fell asleep," he apologizes, rubbing sleep from his eyes. I smile slighting.

"It's okay. You can stay the night if you want.. it's late anyways," I offer, my heart rate increasing.

I don't know why I'm nervous. Maybe it's because I don't know where we stand.

"If its okay with you." I nod.

"Yeah that's fine."

We both snuggle down into the bed, Kyle on one side and me on the other.

I really wish he would wrap his big arms around me and pull me into his body. I want to feel him next to me.

But this is my punishment for cheating. Im so close, yet so far away.

"Hailey?" he asks, his voice soft.


"Can-Can we snuggle?" He stutters.

"Do you want to?" A silence comes between us.

After what seems like forever he says, "Yeah, I do."

"Okay," I answer, plainly. We both roll over, facing each other. Kyle's hand grips my hip, bringing me close to him.

A gasp comes out of my mouth at his touch. I have waited so long to feel his finger tips on my skin. A smirk plays on his lips.

"Why are you being so.. nice?" he asks, his eyes full of humor.

I laugh. "I'm not always a bitch you know." He chuckles in the darkness.

"I'm just saying, you don't have to be so.. careful."

A small smile plays with my lips.

"Okay," I breath.


❤ ❤ ❤

I wake up sweating.

Why am I sweating? I don't sweat in my sleep?

Rolling over, I feel the heavy weight on me. Memories of the day before flood bad.


I groan slighting, shifting my weight to get out from under his body. Both of his arms are wrapped tightly around my back.

I quickly go pee in the bathroom and when I come back, Kyle is sitting up in bed.

"Hey," he groans, rubbing his eyes. Even this small juster, makes my heart flutter.

"Hey heavy ass," I joke, getting back under the blankets. He chuckles.

"There's my girl," he mutters.

Fixing The Player - Sequel to The Player's Girl-Where stories live. Discover now