16// Regret (Kyle's Point Of View)

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I force myself to walk out the her door. I can't stand the look on her face, nor the sound of her voice yelling at me. I practically run down the stairs, biting the inside of my cheek. Adrian sits there, his arms crossed. 

"What-" He starts. 

"I don't want to hear it Adrian," I snap, cutting him off. I make my way out of the house, letting the front door slam behind me, not caring about how much noise I make. 

"Kyle!" He yells, I know he is following me. He's foolish to follow me. With the anger in my blood, I don't think I am able to control myself. My heart is completely shattered. 

"What?" I snap, spinning around on my heels. 

"You need to calm down. The look in your eyes is the same look I've seen on many guy's faces before they do something stupid out of rage and spite," he tells me. His face remains calm, not effected by my boiling temper. 

"She-she told me to leave," I say, not knowing the words that were coming off of my lips. "I was pouring my heart out to her and she didn't hear shit. She yelled at me to leave. So yeah, I'm really pissed right now." 

"That doesn't mean that you should go beat the shit out of someone," Adrian says, almost knowing my secret. The look on his face tells me he actually does know my secret. 

"How do you know?" I ask, my voice steady and calm. 

Adrian shrugs. "I know battle wounds when I see them." I nod, still feeling like I could bash someone's face in, but the anger is diminishing. That also scares me. If I don't feel the anger, what will I feel? Nothing. 

"I think you just need to go home and take a long shower. Turn off your phone and just go off the radar for awhile. You just need some time," Adrian says. 

I never thought I would be taking advice from him. Ever. I was better than him, or at least I thought I was. Now, me and him are the same type of brokenness. 

"Alright, thanks," I say, scratching the back of my neck. 

"No problem," He answers. 

I climb into my car and drive away, blinking away the tears that shouldn't be there. 

By the time I get home, my throat feels raw from screaming curse words at every person I pass on the road. I feel like shit and I'm sure I look like shit too. 

"You okay?" My mom says as I walk through the door and into the kitchen. 

"Yeah, just peachy," I answer her, my voice dripping with sarcasm. 

I make my way to my room and shut the door. Laying on my bed, I just stare at my phone. I want to call her. I want to talk to her.

 I want her to know that this isn't her fault. It is my fault. She didn't do anything wrong. This was my fault. I take the blame for this. 

I poured my heart out to her. I told her I loved her, how much I love her. I told her things I never thought I would be able to tell her. She just sat there, an empty expression on her face. Tears streaming down her cheeks. 

She looked so empty, so hallow. 

I made her that way. I made her empty. 

I should've stayed. I should've fought for her to stay. Like the coward I am, I left her alone. Again. 

"Fuck it," I mutter and unlock my phone. My fingers quickly dial her number that I know by heart. It rings, and rings, and rings. 

I'm sent to voicemail. The beep goes off, saying I'm leaving a message. 

"Hailey,"  I say, my voice cracking. I clear my throat. "Please don't blame yourself. This is all my fault. Okay baby girl? This one is on me. I'm a complete fuck up, I know. I love you Hailey. No matter how many times you break my heart, I love you. There is nothing that can change that. I'm sorry I left, I should've stayed. I miss you so much. Please don't break up with me. I can't lose you again." 

I wait for an answer, but again I'm met with silence. 

Sighing, I hang up. 

I hang my head, and this time I let the tears fall. 


Whoa! The next update not months after the last, this is a first! Thank you so much for the love and support! I can't even explain how grateful I am for every single one of you. You guys are the best readers around. As usual, if you find any typos, please let me know! Thank you!



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