8// Becoming Her Past (Kyle's Point Of View)

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I tell myself to get in my car and drive away from her house. I heard her crying before I left her door way.

Hearing what Adrian had put her through, just makes me feel even worse. I'm doing the exact same thing.

I'm fighting for money.

I started doing it about a week after Prom. It became my way to release the stress, anger, and pain Hailey caused me. I put the money in some saving account, that's how I paid off my new car.

The money doesn't matter anymore, it never had. I love the thrill, the thrill of winning.

If Hailey knew what I was doing, she would kill me. Truthfully, I don't even know how she would react.

By the time I get to the gym, my palms are sweating. I don't want to fight, because of Hailey. I already have a fight scheduled for tonight, I can't back down now.

"Hey Kyle!" I hear someone yell as I get out of my car. I turn to find Danny.

Danny was the one that told me about this place. I guess his Dad used to do it when Danny was younger. Now, he comes to all of my fights. I guess people would call him my manager, but he doesn't get a cut of the award.

"Hey Danny," I call back, meeting him in the doorway of the gym. I can see he's trying to gauge my mood and isn't sure about me.

"You okay, man? You're hands looks terrible." I shrug.

"I'll tape them up before the fight tonight," I answer, following him through the maze of hallways. Guys give me side glances as I walk by. Since I haven't lost a fight in two months, which I guess is some sort of record or whatever.

"Kyle! There's my man!" Rich yells as I reach the locker room. Rich is the man who runs this joint. He is a ex-convict who got out of jail about 30 years ago. He's brother used to run it before him.

Rich has sleeves that are a whole bunch of just scary tattoos that don't make much sense. He has brown hair that is slowly receding. His deep brown eyes are almost enough to kill you.

I roll my eyes at him. "Hi Rich." He slaps his hand on my back, his fingers giving me a hard grip on my shoulder so I turn to face him.

"You ready for tonight? You seem a little down," he comments, raising an eyebrow at me. I put on my best fake smile and nod.

"Yeah, I'm ready."


By the time I'm up to fight, I really just want to go back to Hailey's. I can't stand the thought of her crying alone in her bathtub.

But here I am.

I'm not with her. I'm going to beat the shit out of some guy I don't even know and win some money.

"You pumped?" Danny asks, shaking me out of my head. I turn and give him a wink.

"Yeah, or course. I love this," the words taste sour as they come out.

"Crowd get on your feet!" The announcer yells. "It's Kyle Carlson!" I walk out into the caged ring as people start to shout my name.

Truthfully, I don't get why people even come to these things. It's mostly just drunk old men with too much money, but still.

"Kyle is facing Ben Frank tonight. Get ready for a fight!"

Ben looks to be around my size, but I can already see his weak spots. As soon as the bell sounds, I attack.

I never wait to attack, I'm always on offense.

I get him in a choke hold, in a minute and they call it.

So simple.

The next guy I fight, I don't hear his name, nor see his face. I just keep punching his face as I straddle his body. He sooner or later goes unconscious.

By the end of the night, I make $12,000.

"Good job tonight, Kyle," Rich calls as I head out the door. I try to crack a smile.


I can't get out of this fighting thing. I don't know how. I have to buy myself out. Which means I have to keep fighting.

Hey everyone!! I hope you liked this little part. I thought it would be cool to explain everything that has happened from Kyle's point of view.

Love lots!


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