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(cyrus pov)

after the moment we had looking at the sunset, me and tj hadn't talked since, i don't know if he was avoiding me or just didn't wanna talk to me. he ignored my texts and ignored me in school, but why?

if i'm being honest i did miss him, it felt wrong not talking to him everyday. i just needed a reason for why i was being ignored.

i knew amber was tjs sister so i figured texting her would help me have answers.

"hi amber, have you heard from tj?" i texted her

"no i haven't sorry cyrus" amber said

"it's okay amber, thank you tho."

it felt wrong and weird how he pretended i didn't exist. it felt like a breakup even though we weren't ever together.

(Ambers Pov)

i was not completely sure why tj was ignoring cyrus but i figured out tj likes cyrus, it was kinda obvious

i would've been supportive if tj was gay.

then cyrus texted me.

i knew i had to lie to cyrus because tj told me he didn't want to talk to cyrus anymore, i wish tj knew he could trust me and tell me the real reason why he was ignoring him. i know they like eachother to much for him to just ignore him.

i walked to tjs room to tell him cyrus texted me, i felt wrong being a liar.

(tjs pov)

what did he say this time? as i heard amber opening my door.

"he wants a reason for why you are ghosting him." she said

"it's complicated okay" i said

"look tj, me and him are good friends and i don't like how you are ignoring him and making me lie for you." she said

she was really pissed off at me.

"come on tell me the truth, why are you ignoring him? a week ago you were friends with him" she said

"i cant" i said

the reason i ignored cyrus is because i did begin having feelings for him, he was in my head all the time and looking at him made my heart beat faster than it ever has. i did not want to like him. even though i think i did start developing feelings for him.

"can you leave please?"

"tj, you can talk to me." amber said

"you like him don't you?" amber said

"i don't know, and please don't tell anybody especially cyrus" i said

"i won't, but ignoring him won't make things any better" she walked out.

i felt horrible ignoring cyrus but i dont want my feelings to escalate for him, it would make my life worse.

i laid down and put my headphones on.

(cyrus pov)

although tj stopped talking to me i knew i couldn't let this take over my life. the school dance was coming up soon. i figured going with tj as friends would be great before i was ignored by him.

i scrolled through me and tjs old text messages because i couldn't get over him. i received a message from the groupchat

"hey guys let's meet up at the spoon?" andi sent a text message

"sounds good" i texted

i headed over to the spoon as i saw buffy and andi sitting with another guy i never saw before.

"hi guys" i said

"hi cyrus this is my friend, aaron" buffy said

"hey cyrus" he said

"hi" i said

"i've heard a lot from you, well from the last 10 minutes i've been talking to andi and buffy" he said

aaron had light brown eyes and wavy brown hair, he had nice features.

"aaron is from the school basketball team, we used to play together." buffy said

"that's cool i don't know much about baskatball but still cool" i said

"i could teach you anytime" aaron said.

"sounds great" i said

i never knew buffy was friends with her old teammates but i'm suprised everday.

"well i have to go now, i have to study, i'm failing biology and i am desperate for a tutor" aaron said

"maybe i can help?" i said

i know asking him if i could tutor him seems weird but with tj ignoring me, i didn't know what to do with my extra time and i figured helping him would be a nice thing to do for him.

"sounds great, what's your phone number?" aaron said

"why?" i said

"for i can text you when to meet me for tutoring?" he looked confused.

"oh right here" i put my phone number into his phone.

i felt dumb

"alright i guess i'll see you all another time" aaron said

"for sure" buffy said

"bye" i said

well this changed the story completely.

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