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Cyrus POV

I looked at Tj with a rude face. Or more of a disappointed face. I didn't know what was happening.. was this turning into the Jonah thing

"So You really think it was Tj?" Andi Said

They started looking at me and I was just starring at Tj. I wasn't listening to their  conversation...

"CYRUS!!" Andi Yelled

"What? What do you want" I focused on them

"Do you want to talk about this.." Andi Said

"They're is nothing to talk about.. he lied to me and cyber bullied me!" Cyrus Said

"Your not telling on him?" Buffy Said

"No I'm not going to snitch and I don't care what he thinks.. he just ruined our friendship and everything we had" Cyrus said

Maybe I did care what he thinks but I didn't want to admit it.

                             TJ's POV

"Hahaha he actually thought you liked dick" Reed Laughed

"Why won't you just shut the hell up idiot" I screamed, everybody heard me and everybody was staring at me

"Why don't you go sit with your boyfriend" Reed Said

"What if I don't want to?" I Said

I stood up in front of him like I was going to start a fight.

"Alright Kippen, lets go" Reed Said

I shoved my fist on his face and started punching him.

he threw me to the ground and started kicking me and I pulled him down and started punching his face over and over

He then tried to get up and went up to Cyrus..

"Oh hey Gay Slut, I've heard all about you and guess what? I was the one who posted that" Reed Said on Cyrus's Face

Reed threw Cyrus to the ground and started laughing.

He got me pissed.. really pissed when he did that enough to Punch him over and over and I started kicking him.

"STOP FIGHTING, You 3 are coming with me. GET UP" Dr Metcaf started screaming

We all went to the nurse.. after that we went to his office

"What was that all about?, I expect better from all of you" Dr metcaf said

"It wasn't Cyrus's fault.. Reeedd was the one who threw him on the ground" I Said

"Okay so Reed started this all?" He said

"No I started everything" I looked down

"Reed was pissing me off" I said

"You guys shouldn't start a fight because of that" dr Metcaf Said

"I'm sorry but I'm suspending you both for 3 days" Dr Metcaf said

"Okay.." I said 

"I'm calling all of your parents to come pick you up.. and Cyrus too I think you need to get some rest"

                            Cyrus POV

I looked out the window of the car thinking of what my life had become or what was wrong with me.

"Cyrus I'm so sorry that happened" Mom Said

"It's fine Everything's Fine" I Said looking at her

I heard my phone ring and it was Tj.. I decided to open it up

"I'm sorry about everything.. I know you don't want me at your house but I think you should hear what I have too say" Tj Texted Me

I left him on read and I got home and went to my room.

I was on top of my bed looking at the roof.. thinking about Tj. I can't believe he was in my head

"Cyrus let me in" Tj said Knocking on the Window

"Oh my god why are you here? I thought you were joking" I Said


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