Chapter 2: Getting to know Steven Stone

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I yelp when the doctor finishes wrapping my bandages around my arms. She smiles as soon as she's done.

"There you go! You're good to go!" Dr. Lynn says.

I lightly brush my fingers against the bandages. "Why did the medicine hurt so much? Isn't medicine supposed to be not painful?"

The doctor scribbles something onto her clipboard. "It depends. We try to make patients comfortable as possible, but the scars on your arms were lengthy. Luckily, they're not deep enough to require stitches. I still advise you to be careful out there."

"Alright," I mumble. "Thank you for your help."

"Of course! You're welcome!" Dr. Lynn says. She leads me to a hallway and points at the door.

"You can exit through here Miss May. I'm sure your boyfriend will be happy to hear that you're feeling better now."

"Thanks," I say. "Wait what!?"

"Take care now!" Dr. Lynn calls out before heading to another patient's room.

I'm flattered she thinks that guy is my boyfriend, but I don't even know his name.

I open the door, arriving back in the lobby. Scanning the room, I don't even see my handsome silver companion anywhere.

Maybe he went outside?

I make my way toward the entrance until I hear a metallic cry behind me. Turning around, I see Skarmory staring at me intensely as he inches toward me.

"Skarmory! What's wrong?" I hear his voice yell. It takes seconds for his Pokemon trainer to come right over.

He notices me immediately, giving me a smirk. "Hello. Were you attempting to sneak away just now?"

"No. I thought you were outside," I reply.

"Understandable. I was actually in the process of purchasing us drinks. The vending machine must have been outside of your peripheral vision so that is most likely why you've made the conclusion that I was elsewhere."

I blink a few times while digesting his words. I couldn't help but laugh out loud, causing some of the people in the lobby to look at me.

He just stands there as his smile falters. "Why are you laughing? Did I say something that tickles your fancy?"

"Oh my god. Tickles your fancy. Of course," I remark.

"Pardon?" he asks.

"I'm sorry. The way you talk cracks me up. Do rich people talk like that or is it just you?"

"Oh I see," he breathes out before chuckling for a bit. "I suppose other conglomerate individuals do speak in this manner. This is how I was raised to converse throughout most of my life. My mother sent me to a private academy where this style of language was prevalent."

"I get it. I think," I say. "Wow I should read more if I'm going to understand every word you're saying."

"You are very amusing Miss May. I will try to simplify my language then. But please feel free to ask me anything."


He places my hands on my shoulders to guide me outside. We find an empty bench near the hospital, and he gives me bottled juice. The man opens his bottle, meticulously drinking it.

I watch him while I gulp down my own. Even the way he sips is from another world.

"Is the drink to your satisfaction?" he asks me. "I could get you another one if you'd like."

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