Hanging out

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Next day
In kitchen 09:45 Lincoln entered kitchen and saw Alex talking to someone on phone

Aleksei:Da,hear you soon.Goodbye lyubov.*closes phone*
Lincoln:Morning Aleksei.
Aleksei:Good morning Lincoln.Please you can call me Alex.
Lincoln:Sure if you dont mind and also who were you talking to?
Aleksei:My love Chloe.
Lincoln:Sorry if I interrupted you.
Aleksei:No problem we finished call anyway.
Max:*enters kitchen*Morning gents,so how is Chloe?
Lincoln:You know her?
Max:Not just that I know her she is my sister.
Aleksei:Dont worry Im not doing anything with her behind your back.
Max:You better be.
Jack:*enters kitchen*Morning all,we are having bacon and eggs.
Lincoln:Morning Jack.

After that they all had breakfast

Lincoln:So how long are you guys staying here?
Max:We have week left.
Lincoln:So what will t-then happen to me?
Oliver:*puts his hand on Lincoln shoulder*Dont worry we will think of something.We will not get you back there.
Lincoln:Thanks Oliver.*hugs him*
Tom:Hey mates there us going to be premiere of Kong:Skull Island.It would be nice for all of us to go.
Max:Well that would be nice consindering situation we are in.Are you in Lincoln?
Lincoln:Yes!Buut what if my sisters see me?
Oliver:Well you need a disguise.
Max:Hmnn?I have a black hat somewhere here.I left it last summer.
Lincoln:Wait this is not your home?
Max:Nope,I live in Arizona I come here for vacations.
Lincoln:And about hat?
Max:Tom when will movie begin?
Tom:In 18:45.
Max:Alright so here is plan:We will go to the mall at 16:50 and hang out there.Also Lincoln will wear hat to hide in case we encounter any family member.So are we clear?

Later in front of mall

Tom:So here we are mates.
Erik:So what will be doing before movie starts?
Aleksei:Im going to buy some clothes for Chloe.Max you know what she likes.
Max:How Im going to know what clothes she likes?Clothes are clothes.
Aleksei:But you are her brother.
Max:Just because Im her brother that-you know you pick clothes and I will check would she like it.
Aleksei:Good idea.Lets go.*both Max and Aleksei went to look for clothes shop*
Tom:Im just going to walk around dont worry I wont lose myself.*goes to mall*
Jack:I will buy food for this last weekend.By the time Im done the movie should begin.*goes to mall*
Lincoln:There is a game room in the mall Erik.Do you want to go with me?
Erik:Sure and you my freund?*looks at Oliver*
Oliver:I will be in nearest cafe.Dont do anything dumb ok?
Both:Ok.*all three entered  in mall and went where they want to be*

In game room

PC:Player 2 lost.

Lincoln:Hah told you I will win.
Erik:You are lucky that Im bad at dancing.
Lincoln:Heh *gets bad flashback*oh no...
Erik:Are you good Lincoln?
Lincoln:*checks his surroundings*No just dont mention l-l-luck ok?
Erik:Ok.*sighs*Look mein freund try to ignore bad memories and now focus on fun.
Lincoln:Yesh you are right.*hears footsteps and quickly pulls down his hat*
???:Sorry mister,did you finished the game?Me and my friends would like to play.
Erik:Sure kid.*leaves dance floor*
Come on freund.
Lincoln:*nods and leaves the floor*
Lincolns mind:Wait that voice is familiar.*peeks only to notice his friends*
Erik:Put your hat on.
Lincoln:*whispers:They are my friends.*
Erik:You sure?
Erik:*checks surroundings*Go on then.
Lincoln:*takes deep breath*

Then he approached a group of boys

Lincoln:H-hey guys.
???:You are alive dude.*group hugs him*
Lincoln:I missed you guys so much.
???:We missed you too friend.
Lincolns mind:Friend...they still care about me.
Erik:Freund mind if you introduce your friends.
Clyde:Sorry mister,name is Clyde McBride.
Liam:Names Liam.
Zach:Zach.Nice to meet you.
Erik:Look Im aware of what happend to Lincoln but lets not think of it.We are here to have fun ja?
Clyde:Well you could say that.
Lincoln:Hey Erik how about you play against my friends.
Erik:*smiles*Challenge accepted.

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