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A/N:Hey fellas before this chapter starts Id like to thank you for support and 500+ reads.I never expected this story to be this big.Thank you and enjoy this chapter!

Max's house,living room 21:30

Max:So ready?
Tom:Yep.*turns drone on*lets do this mate.

After that Tom put drone on window and flew it to Loud house.While drone was flying to the house both men had a talk

Tom:So how did we managed to get location of their location anyways?
Max:Erik checked local news site.
Tom:Oh,alright then.The drone should be near the house*touches something on tablet and view of drone is displayed on TV*Bingo.
Max:So we re in?
Tom:*smiles*We re in.
Jack:Sup buds.
Max:Jack what you are you doing here?
Jack:Well...you see Im fan of spying movies soo would you mind if I join you buds?
Tom:Got any snacks?
Jack:*smiles*Yup.Got some nachos.
Tom:You re in.*taps on couch*Sit down and enjoy the view friend.
Jack:*sits on couch with bowl of nachos*Thanks bud.
Max:Alright this should be their house.Rain should cover the drone's position and sound.We are good to go.
Tom:Roger that.Hope thunder doesnt hit it.So its just us three?
Max:Yep.Oliver is sleeping on the floor in Linc's room,Erik and Alex are also asleep.*chukles*Im not gonna lie Oliver would be a great father

Then Tom made a circle around a house using the drone and noticed open window on second floor

Tom:We got our access.

And then members of Loud family entered the room(excluding Lily)

Max:Thats all of them.
Jack:There are lotsl of them.Never saw family this big in my lifetime.
Tom:Yep and they all fell for bad luck nonesence.
Max:They are idiots.

The room was light blue color and it had two beds with a locker and it also had lamps on wall

Jack:When will you start recording?*takes bite out of nachos*
Tom:Wait...*hits record button*Its recording.Who is she anyways?
Max:Lincoln mentioned someone named Lisa.She is the smart one.
Tom:Smart one my arse.

Then a young girl with glasses brought medium sized board on which was a plan of somekind.

Tom:Now this is getting interesting l.*takes some nachos*

Then young girl started talking

Lisa:Sibiling units your plan to trick Lincoln has been brought into action.If my calculations are correct Lincoln should be still be in this town and notice this and should arrive to our location.
???:And if he doesnt arrive home?
Lisa:Im not saying 100% that he will return but if he doesnt just like I said he should be in town or not.
???:Why do we care about him anyways?!He is gone that is what matters.
Lisa:*sighs*You said to try to catch him.Keep in mind the word "try".
???:I dont see any reason being here!*leaves the room*
???:Wait for me Lola.*follows her*
Lisa:*facepalms*And with this our family meeting is over.
???:Lets order a pizza.
???:Great idea honey!

Rest of family left the room leaving Lisa alone

Lisa:*looks at board and sighs*Im a definition of failure.Im supposed to be the ond with highest IQ but even if its big my actions prove it otherwise.

Max:Is she...being sorry for what she did?
Jack:Linc mentioned she never hurted him.So she was being disappointed in family.
Max:Guess I aint the only one.
Tom:You aint only one dude.

Tom zoomed camera on Lisa

Lisa:How I am going to get myself out if this situation?*sighs*I need to help Lincoln.*takes board and leaves*

Tom:So we get everything returning to the base.
Jack:So can she be trusted?
Max:No.It could be a trap.
Tom:A trap in a trap?Dunmo man but she looks that she is sorry for what she did.I say we give her a chance.
Max:A chance?Yeah right we are just gonna tell her:"Hey your brother,he is with us."
Jack:Tom is right.We probably should give her a chance.
Max:*sighs*And how are we gonna contact her?
Tom:I dont know mate.*scratches head*
Jack:Buds lets solve that in the morning.*yawn*Night.*leaves*
Tom:He is right.*collects drone*Night Max.
Max:Good night my friend.

Meanwhile at Loud House 23:00

Lisa's POV

After meeting I waited for everyone to go to sleep.Once they did I started my plan.My family must not acquire Lincoln's location.I got up on my PC and hacked phone calls.Yes what I am doing us illegal and it woukd hurt my reputation but it doesnt matter.Nothing except wait Lincoln is mentioned is some messages.

Loading message

Clyde:Hey guys.Lets cut time and all of you come at my house so that Lincoln's friend doesnt have to pick us all individualy.
Lian:Good idea Clyde.

End of message

So Lincoln's friends know where he is good.Hope he is in good condition.I checked the cameras on Vanzilla(yes I put camera on family van).And on recording I noticed a cad and in distance Lincoln could be seen.Whew Im glad he us ok.He wore different clothes.Im also glad mom was driving fast or she would noticed Lincoln.And owner of that car has a house here in Royal Woods.I got the address.I hope Lincoln forgives me but deep inside of me I know he wont.I shut down the PC and went to sleep.

Next day at Max's house 11:20

Lincoln's POV

I was watching TV with Alex.The show we were watching was AFV it was fun until doorbell rang.

Tom:I got it.
Lincoln:Who could that be?
Alex:*shrugs*Dont know comrade Lincoln.Maybs mailman?
Lincoln:Who knows.
Tom:Hey Linc somebody needs you here.

Wait someone?But I- oh well.I walked to the enterance and was greeted by-oh no.

End of Lincoln' POV

Lisa:Hello Lincoln.

End of this chapter

A/N:Decided to leave a cliffhanger for ya.Thank you for reading this chapter.

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