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At 12.00 p.m.

"Okay students. You may go for your recess now"

IZ*ONE stand up and head to the canteen. They took their food and gather together. "Girls, why don't guys come to our house so we can study together?" Yujin ask the girls and they all nodded. "Very gentleman Yujin hyung" Wonyoung chuckled" Seriously Won" Yujin rolled his eyes and eat his food. 

"So, what time will you girls come to our house?" Sakura ask. "About 6.30. is that okay ?" Eunbi ask and the boys nodded "So what book should we bring to your house for revision?" "How about History? I bet is the first paper" The girls nodded and continue to eat their food. "Does anyone have cake? I'm still hunger" They rolled their eyes when Hyewon wants cake. "Just get it from the toilet then" Yena chuckled and received a shoulder slap from Hyewon "I'm not gonna eat poop. Tsk" They all laugh and they had finish with their food. 

They went from the canteen and head to their class when they realised some flashing lights came out from nowhere. The boys found out that the flashing light belongs to their fangirls camera. Their fangirls keep snap pictures of them. Yujin and Wonyoung quickly walked to them and take their fangirls phone. They saw lots of their photos with Eunbi's squad. 

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