Chapter 13: The Rise Of Doom And The Fall Of S.H.I.E.L.D.

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        The Hulk roared, chasing down Spider-Man, destroying everything in his path. The webslinger swung out of the way just in time as The Hulk swatted at him. He yelled in fright. "I better get an upgraded paycheck for this!!" He said, swinging away from another attempt of an enormous green hand swatting him. The Hulk trampled wires, broke walls, and shattered lights hanging from the ceiling as he ran after him.

        "HULK SMASH PUNY SPIDER!" The Hulk yelled. 

        The webslinger chuckled nervously. "Now, that isn't nice, how bout you swat an actual pest? You know, like a housefly? Just without breaking the wall. Not spiders, every time someone smashes them, a part of my soul is torn apart." The webslinger grunted as the Hulk succeeded in smacking him, crashing him into a wall. Spider-Man groaned as he became stuck in the wall. He fell from the wall as Hulk came towards him.

        "SPIDER TALK TOO MUCH! SPIDER ANNOY HULK!" The monster yelled. Spider-Man thought fast and jumped inside one of the three air vents in the floor.

        "Spider can't annoy Hulk, if Hulk can't find spider!" The webslinger laughed. The Hulk growled and smashed his fist where Spider-Man went. He popped up out of the air vent on the right. "Nope! Right here!" The Hulk roared and smashed his fist down there, but Spider-Man was already gone. He popped out of the left air vent. "You need a timeout, I won't let you get me until you calm down."         The Hulk roared at him and smashed his fist at the left air vent. Spider-Man popped out of the middle one. "You have a very bad temper mister." The hulk roared at him and tried attacking the middle air vent. The webslinger kept popping up out of all three at random times. Middle, right, middle, left, left, right, middle, left. He laughed. "Spider too quick for Hulk!" Finally the Hulk brought both his fists down, busting the floor and making Spider-Man fall onto the floor below with the rubble. "Hey! That is cheating!" The webslinger said, rubbing his head in pain. The Hulk roared and jumped down onto the floor about to hit Spider-Man, but he was knocked aside by a hammer swing by Thor. The Hulk roared, crashing into the wall. Thor held a hand out for Spider-Man and  helped him up.

        "How do you fare, man of spider?" Thor asked.

        "Better, since you saved my skin. Thanks." Spider-Man said, chuckling.

        Coulson ran around, assessing the damage. He spoke to the command center on his radio. "The Hulk is tearing this place apart! I need two in the air, dropping the big ones. Evacuate everyone to ground backup base, now!" Coulson growled under his breath, he grabbed a special gun from the weapons locker and watched as the Agents hurried to get out and go to ground base. He ran to where they were keeping the Surfer. He typed a code, freeing him. "I need you to come with me, right now. We have a dire emergency. We believe Dr. Doom plans to bomb us." He grabbed the Surfer and began running with him to ground base.

        Spider-Man and Thor were trying to team up to beat Hulk. The webslinger swung around the ceiling, tying The Hulk up with webbing. Thor smacked him in the chest, knocking him to the ground. He kept his hammer on the Hulk's chest, pinning him there. "We are not your enemies Banner, try to think." He said, grunting trying to hold his arms down. The Hulk kicked him and he went flying into Spider-Man. The two of them crashed into a wall.

        The speakers throughout S.H.I.E.L.D. began to sound. "Everyone, we are at a level 15 emergency, evacuate to ground base immediately."

        The webslinger looked at Thor. "That doesn't sound good!" He said, getting up. The Hulk writhed and squirmed madly underneath Mjolnir, snarling and growling, trying to get it off.

        Thor nodded in agreement. "Indeed it does not. You should go, I shall handle him."

        Spider-Man's eyes widened as he looked at him. "Whoa, what? Are you sure? This guy is tough."

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