Ch. 3, A-A Guy?

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(Y/N)'s POV

???: Hello? Umm... Excuse me?

An unfamiliar voice barely rang through my ears, it was gentle and soft, but had a very worried and rushed tone. I slowly open my eyes to see it's the new girl(?) standing next to me, she nudged my shoulder timidly.

??? : Oh! You're awake!

The girl lets out a sigh of relief before she begins.

??? : we're at school sleepy head.

That statement made me spring up and look out the window, she was right. We were right at the gates

To Self: Why didn't Ryder tell me!? Asshole...

I shake my head at the thought and get up. We make our way off the bus as I avoid the bus driver's glare, she must of been waiting for awhile... Whoops.
When we make it off the bus, I notice that this was my chance to introduce myself and turn towards her.

(Y/N): Oh uh thanks for waking me up, if you didn't notice me there I probably would've been in a garage for 8 hours...

This earned a cute giggle from the girl, making my heart flutter as she gives me a warm smile.

??? : It was nothing.

(Y/N): Maybe to you, my mom would kill me if she found that out. I'm (Y/N) by the way, and you are?
I stretch my hand out to her.

Peom: I'm Peom, it's nice to meet you!
She says with that same cute smile of hers as she puts her hand out to shake mine, I couldn't help but smile back. She had small, soft delicate hands that felt- Wait... Isn't Peom a Boy's name???

To Self: Oh hell nah...

My face went from happy to conflicted in a matter of seconds, which seemed to worry Peom.

Peom: I-Is something wrong?

I fix myself quickly and rub the nape of my neck while laughing nervously.

(Y/N): O-oh! Umm, no not at all. Just lost in thought was all!

She sighed in relief.

To Self: Dammit, how the hell am I supposed to ask a person's gender?! Isn't that like, gonna get me killed or something? People are very sensitive these days...

I take a moment to find the words I'm looking for, ultimately failing and just saying fuck it and saying what's on my mind.

(Y/N): So uhhh... I gotta ask, are you...

I struggle to get the words out, Peom face then begins to wear a shade pink as he looks down to avoid eye contact.

Peom: Y-Yes, I'm a guy...

My heart felt like it sank to my stomach, he's so small and cute, how can a boy have such a girly figure!? I then decide to play it off. Wearing a look of confusion on my face as I play coy.

(Y/N): W-What? That's not what I was gonna ask, what I was gonna ask was...

I struggle to find the words once again.

(Y/N) Do you wanna hang out sometime?

Peom's Heterochromic eyes widen from my words, his pink cheeks turning into a slightly darker shade.

Peom: O-oh! I-im so sorry! It's just... I get asked that a lot, I guess I just assumed. B-But yeah! I'd love to hang out more with you (Y/N)!

To Self: Dammit... Don't look at me like that. And why are you blushing?! It's too cute... Ughhh,What's wrong with me?

Heya! Sorry it took so long for this to come out, super busy. I'll try my best to keep this up to date to the best of my ability! See ya next chapter!!!

Why Him? (Cute Femboy x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now