Ch. 6: Give In To Me Pt. 2

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I may have teased a bit last chapter, no regrets tho...
Y/N POV...

Mom: So... They're Not a girl...

Y/N: Mom you ask me this everyday... and EVERYDAY is that SAME answer...

Mom: Look I just don't want you thinking I'm gonna let you have a girl sleepover...

Y/N: Peom is a BOY NAME...

Mom: And so is Joey...

Y/N ...Isn't that a unise-


Y/N: ...


Mom: He can sleepover...


Y/N: Cool, thanks!

It's been 3 months since I met Peom, this is the first time he's actually staying the night. Why am I so nervous...

This Timeskip is brought to you by Chibi Y/n comforting Chibi Peom after he fell off his bike...

3 Hours Later...

It's around 8 something PM, me and Peom and just watching TV on the couch after we went to the park...

Peom: So Y/N, where should I Sleep tonight?

Y/N: Oh shit, I actually didn't think that far into this... well you can take my bed if you want.

Peom: What!? No that's your bed I could just sleep on the couch it's not a big deal...

Y/N: Peom, I'm not really the type to go back and forth... take the bed.

Poem stops before he can finish his sentence, he puts his head down in defeat... or maybe something like that...

Peom: F-Fine... B-But you're coming with me!

He covers his mouth, whether it was pure shock or disbelief i soon followed suit. I could feel my cheeks burn up, I try to act cool but... my FUCKING VOICE CRACKED!

Y/N: yEaH- ahem... Yeah sure, whatever.

Self: Real smooth L/N...

Peom fidgets around a bit he looks like he's trying to figure out what to say... honestly I didn't know what to say either...

Peom: I-i should probably take a shower... I don't wanna make your bed smell like my sweat...

Y/N: oh right, good idea.
I try not to show my disappointment, why am i disappointed?
No comment...

A few minutes go by, I'm laying in bed playing Honkai Star Rail to past the time when I hear the bathroom door open and Peom call my name.

Peom: Y-Y/N?

I get up and make my way to the sound and see the door ajar and the 2 adorable eyes staring at me

Y/N: what's up Peom?

I could only see the top half of his head but I could see the embarrassment

Peom: I-i forgot to bring a spar change of clothes... I might've been in too much of a rush to get here. Do you have anything for me to wear?

Y/N: of course! I have some shirts you could wear, they'll be like a dress on you though.

Peom's ears perk up... Fucking Adorable...

Peom: That's fine with me, anything will do...

I make my way to my room and start rummaging through my drawer for a shirt midway through I hear MY door open, I naturally look over to see and... goddammit...

It's Peom in nothing but a towel, it's wrapped tightly around his body, showing off his UNNATURALLY Curvy body. His damp hair and ears dropped over his face, and his thighs... damn those thighs...

I was mesmerized... hypnotized even...

Peom: Y-Y/N! P-please don't stare so much...

He fidgets with his fingers and rubs his thighs together, his tail... Wagging? God he's so cute... fight the urges... Snap out of it!!!

Y/N: oh uh... sorry! Here! How's this shirt?

I hold out a shirt with a(describe it yourself it's YOUR shirt)  kind of design... it's one of my favorites

Peom looks at the shirt and nods, gently grabs the shirt and motions me to turn around, and so I do... but wait... is he gonna sleep in just the shirt? So his meat is just gonna be all over my shirt... great...

Peom: Y-You can turn around now...

I do as told and get a good look. The shirt goes down to his calves basically. The short sleeves almost look like long sleeves and his tail wags frantically from under the shirt, I hope it doesn't rip or stretch... nonetheless he looks adorable

Y/N: Yeah I could see you wearing this to bed...

Peom giggles at the comment

Peom: it's so soft and comfy... and it smells just like you!

Now normally I'd find that comment weird but he IS part dog so... I don't know to be honest. I don't wanna think about it...

Y/N: The bed's even comfier

I jump onto my bed and sink, letting out a sigh of relief, I love my bed...

Peom's ears perk up and he jump in right after, the bed damn near are him alive he's so small.

Peom: Mmmmm~ it's so soft~

Y/N: I told you! Now, what do you wanna- Peom?

I look over to see him fast asleep, I... don't know how that works... but I'm not gonna question it, I pull the blanket over him and I and turn over so my back faces him, slowly drifting off...

Some time later...

My face feels... hot? Like someone's breathing on it... gross...

I begin to stir awake, my eyes heavy as hell, it took some time but my eyes finally begin to adjust and focus. My heart rate immediately skyrockets when I see Peom on CENTIMETERS from my face staring right at me!

Y/N: Um... you okay Peom?

Peom: Y/N? I-I... I don't know how to say this but... I feel... hot... my body is... aching and seeing you right next to me is making it worse... I know this is sudden but...

He crawls on top of me leaning in real close to my ear... I can feel my heart skip a beat and my breathing pick up as he whispers...

I want... All of you...

I... really don't know what to say... a lots been going on personally and I haven't had the motivation to keep this going... BUT NOW I DO! For all the people who waited for this update thank you for your patience and I'm sorry it took so damn long... until next time!!!

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