Ch. 5 Pt. 1: Sweet Tooth

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Your POV:
The school day went by rather fast, probably because I was daydreaming the whole damn time. Shit I could barely get anything done, I'd often catch myself either staring off into space or staring at him and it's starting to affect me. These random thoughts will pop up in my head, it only makes me wanna see him more dammit! Once the bell rang I immediately made my way to the entrance of the school to wait for him, but to my surprise he was already there. His small, girly frame would've been hard to notice if he didn't have those cute little Dog Ears. I couldn't help but smile and watch him eagerly search for me in the crowd. After a few seconds of admiring him I quickly snap back into reality and make my way toward him, waving my arm and shouting to get his attention. While trying to keep a calm and cool demeanor in the process.

(Y/N): Hey! Peom!
I shout, trying to hold back the huge grin trying to emerge from my lips. My heart skipped a beat when I notice his ears perk up to the sound of my voice, his head quickly turning towards the Direction of which it came from. I could feel the butterflies stir in my stomach as his face lit up when he saw me, causing a light shade of pink to appear on my cheeks. He waved and met me halfway, once I got closer to him I finally got a better look at him. His big heterochromic Eyes filled with Excitement as his tail wagged furiously. His ears perked straight up, and his smile... God damn his smile. It was enough to make me melt, what I would do just to keep that smile on his face.

To self: God... Dammit (L/N)... Say something! Anything!!!

(Y/N) Ummm...


Peom Giggled, whether it was him laughing at my mistake or not was yet to be known. But I assume it was the first one, internally facepalming myself.

Peom: It's great to see you! Well, outside of school I mean. Cuz we technically see each other almost all day and... Y-Yeah...

He started drifting with his words as he rambled on nervously, which was adorable as Hell to say the least. Before he could get more flustered I step in.

(Y/N) It's great to see you too Peom.

You say with a warm, genuine smile. This seemed to calm him down thankfully, which earned a chuckle from you.

Peom just smiles and nods, it was kinda hard to know what he was thinking... probably because I couldn't pay attention because I caught myself spacing out AGAIN!!!

Peom: U-uhhh... (Y/N)? Are you okay?

(*Insert Eminem Meme*)

I snap back to reality again and notice Peom looking at me with a look of concern or maybe... he's flustered? I mean to be fair I was staring at him for a like 5 minutes without uttering a single word... why am I so damn awkward...

Peom's POV:
Oh god what is he thinking? He's just been staring at me with this blank face. Do I just... Say something? I work myself up to boost my confidence as much as I can, I need this moral boost!

(Peom's head): Come on Peom say something, ANYTHING!!!

Peom(out loud): Ya like Jazz?

(Peom's head): ANYTHING BUT THAT!!!!

(Y/N) Blinks and seems to have snapped out of whatever occupied his mind and simply say...

(Y/N): What?
It wasn't the what that means I didn't hear you, more like "did you just say that?"

I immediately choke up and can't get the words out of my mouth, I'm just stuttering and just make inaudible noises at this point. Just as I'm about to say something that I'm pretty sure I was gonna regret, he stops me and says....

(Y/N): I know a place where we can hang so... come on.

It was really straightforward, I found it oddly alluring. I just nod and follow, he's so much faster than me because of his height, 1 step for him is like 5 for me. It took me a bit to catch up!

Peom: S-So ummm... where are we going?

(Y/N): Somewhere that's not awkward... you'll see.

I raise an eyebrow at his answer, I don't know why but I just shut up and follow without anymore questions. Suddenly, he stops unbeknownst to me of course as I bump into him, making me stumble back a bit. He turns towards me and smiles, I could feel my cheeks start to burn up, his smile is just so... ugh... why am I like this?

(Y/N) We're here!

I tilt my head in confusion, I couldn't see because he was in the way. So I lean to the left to see the sign, my eyes light up and a huge grin creeps across my face. I gasp I'm excitement, how did he know!?


Well hello there, it's been awhile hasn't it? I'm sorry that I've been away for so long, there have been many things that have sidetracked me from this, but I'm back and ready to keep this thing goin! >:3 this is a multi part chapter, the next part is in the works as we speak! Thank you so much for still being here, I'm really glad that people enjoy this story and I'm hoping that I can take it even further, okie I'll shut up now. Until next time! Bye bye!!!

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