The Doll

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A parent's words are soft and kind. But also deceiving.

"It's not fair. All the other kids have so many pretty things mommy."

"No. You already have enough toys and dolls."

A sad sigh came out of her mouth. Just one new doll. A fresh new doll. That's all she wants. "It's not fair. How come I can't get what I want but mommy can."

"You're too young Abby." That was no answer. Just a reply. Excuses.

That's all they were. Excuses. Mommy got to see new men every day while she gets taken and locked in her room. Mommy got to eat and drink fancy things while she was stuck with kiddie meals. It's just not fair. Even out in public. Just to go shopping. If she did not do what Mommy tells her to do. Mommy growls. Snarls. And rips her wrist and hand off the intriguing new things that she wanted or to learn about. Worse still is that Mommy would slap her cheeks and hand till they were red like Mommy's anger. "I told you to. Leave. It!" She would cry. Cry. Wail. With pain and heart ache. She did not understand. Doubt any child would. Why was she getting hurt for wanting something. To buy. To learn. People just watched her get this treatment. And nothing else. Why? Anyone of them to rescue her. The young. The elderly. The able. The disable. Anyone.

Locked in her room. With nothing but the basics of a room. A bed, drawers, table, chair, and a window. Looking more like a prison cell than a bedroom. She is only eight. She wanted to see the outside. All she could see was envy. Envy at the little boy next door with his happy nice Mommy and Daddy. She wanted to go outside. So much. To see nature and other people. To make friends. To learn. But Mommy says otherwise. What does she know. She's been doing the same job since she gave birth to her. With a new man every day, Mommy has not thought of her. Not once. Not one moment. Patience and waiting for a change was suffocating. Stomach twisting. Just a change. Big or small. A change in Mommy. One day. That change happened.

A smart looking man entered the home. Mommy told her to go to her room. "Miss Lynns. I've told you that you should stop your prostitution job and spend more time with your daughter."

A laugh burst from Mommy. "She's just a girl from me and one of my clients."

Her child curiosity got the best of her. She did not do what Mommy told her to do. She sneaked downstairs and listened behind the closed door. "Miss Lynns! She is your daughter! It is your duty as a mother. To raise and care for your child to be a respectful healthy adult."

"She is mine and I can do whatever I want!" Mommy barked. Mommy was never a Mommy like her school friends. Sweet. Gentle. Loving. Mommy was just like some of her teachers said her to me. A monster. A bad person. Mommy just kept her as... What exactly? A kid? Pet? Possession? I want Mommy to change... No...

"I want Mommy to get hurt." Get hurt...? Where did that come from? Why was that the thought in her mind?

The conversation heated up. Like a kettle screeching. "Miss Lynns! You are clearly unfit to be the parent or guardian of your daughter! I am going back to my office to have the police deal with you, for mistreatment of your own daughter!"

The man got up to reach for the door. But Mommy grabs and stops him. Mommy drags the man as much as she could to have the man back in his chair. Bangs. Stomps. Kicks. Smashes. That was all her ears could detect. That innocent curiosity peaked in her mind and sweet little heart. Twisting the doorknob to open the door. Just slightly. With no sound. But a gargling scream. Mommy was busy. Strangling the man with his own tie. Fighting groans for life. Angered gasps of wrath. Both mixed until silence dropped, at the feeling of being watched. Mommy snapped her sight to the door. Seeing the creak and hearing the running steps upstairs. Mommy knew what just happened.

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