The Idol

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What does it take to succeed? Attention or dedication?

Music has attracted and allured you with soft settle sounds or hard heavy beats, there is music for everyone in life. Some are born with skill and talent for it, others learn it, but all wanting their music to be heard. Joan is one such person. She had practiced and learned how to play various instruments as a child. That dream of one day being about to create something that people will love to hear, the idea of people flocking to her to hear her next creations. With time, changes will appear, changing music, standards, and the crazes. From bangs and clangs, to taught simple rhymes, to observed performances. All accompanied with praises, cheers, and smiles. But these were from Joan as a youthful child. Now as a young adult, working as an office worker, a dull boring monotonous job that only required her to take a seat to click and type at a computer all day. This was not the life Joan wanted. Her young wild musical self was yearning to be free.

A click, a flutter of paper, squeak of chairs, a press of a key on a keyboard. These were the sounds that Joan heard on a daily basis. Boring and plain, music could be made with them but not the music Joan wanted to create. Often than not, Joan would visit a nearby music store, marvelling at the beautiful instruments on display and having lively chats with customers and staff, conversations that she enjoyed and paid attention to more than the deary and lacklustre talks with her colleagues. Her passion for music was freed to wander with others who share her love of music and creativity in the store and out of work. She wondered if what would happen if she became a singer, on stage, playing her creations to her beloved fans. "If you really want to be a singer Miss Stone, then do it. You are young once and only live once." Knowing that is true, she began to look at a particular section of the store, a section that displayed her favourite instrument, guitars. All in shining polished display for people to choose them to take home by a loving owner.

Having chosen and purchased her guitar, she admired it sweetly as she strums a few cords. The crisp, clear sound of her guitar filled Joan with bliss, a birth of her dream becoming real. She plays her guitar with join to then start jamming out in her home, like a child getting a toy she wanted so badly, but she was mindful and careful with her cherished possession, preventing any damages forming from the moment she touches it. Every day after her bland day of work, she would drop everything to go straight to her guitar without a second to change her clothes. Listening to simple unarranged notes was enough to bring a real smile to her, sparking some life into her, without a care for how long she was playing her guitar for. The day was getting old as the night was young. Strumming different strings to find a good combination to start her own song, an instrumental part of any song but that was not the important part of the song, the lyrics are. The message that the singer is conveying and spreading to the world, the lyrics. Long into many nights, she pondered what would stick and have an impact to people. The most meaningful part but is the hardest part of the birth of the song.

Many days and nights of trials and errors, successes and fails, she created a draft of her own song. All while practicing and testing her skills in public, setting up a place to play her guitar while singing to the public as they went about their lives and business. Performing and singing covers of existing songs that she had listened in her life, people noticed Joan's guitar playing and her voice, a charmingly calm, yet slightly deep voice. People gathered and listened to her sing while recording and sharing with other friends and the world. A first taste of success for Joan's music dream. It was soothing and heart-warming but with such praises, taunts and insults follow. Envy is such a problematic emotion. Every slur containing a hope to hurt Joan to satisfy a sloth's jealousy, every lie from linear minds to beat Joan back in line. They hurt her, but her show must go on.

Supporting followers and fans of her music dream defended her from the numerous cowardly commenters, telling her that they are only jealous of her success, a success that followers of sloths and fake purity in life, could only wish they could achieve without lifting a finger or getting out of their seats. Hearing those words made Joan think, people like them are bound to be in the same world as her and her fans. But must they be so harsh? The world is a cold harsh place due to cruelty and negativity in every form it can take, she was only trying to bring some positivity through music like many others before her. "How could they not see that?" She continued singing and playing her guitar in public, more people listen and see her, either feeling positive or interested in her talent. As amazing as it is, it was taking a toll on Joan's mind. The pressure of watching eyes remaining satisfied with her performances, all while maintaining her cool as she played. She began to worry that her musical dream was nothing but that, a dream. A tired and heavy sigh comes out of her as she took a break, but a leaflet gets handed to her, an audition for a place in a televised singing competition, like the shows she watches and be amazed the talent from the people on the show. Her dream got reignited.

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