The Judgement

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Heroes save the world for you; villains save you from the world. Who's the real hero?

Life tends to be on the hard side instead of being balanced. But we make do with what we got and have to live. That would be the common message Jesse would give to his clients, family, and friends. He would help them, comfort them with suggestions and advices. It is about the only thing people can get as comfort. In times of struggle, or times of relaxation. But the world do not agree, as will other people. With priorities or are living in their own self comfort with money or luxuries. The wicked prosper in their indulgences and privileges, while the good and common endure with their 'luxuries'. The filthy wicked people. That is where people like Jesse enter the scene. Giving up his time and offering his attention and efforts to help others, who feel lost or need something to pick themselves up.

Sighs, moans, groans, and complaints were all the common sounds to spur Jesse to action. His helpful Good Samaritan nature kicks in, to see and try to help those in need. Be it irritated from a comment, annoyed by a sight, or victim of physical beating. Jesse would always go to their aid. To help and comfort. He saw a homeless man, sitting against a wall of a building. Looking like he had nothing to eat it days, weeks even. Getting the man fed and out of the cold was top priority. Confused by the kind gesture, the man questioned Jesse, trying to see if there was an ulterior motive. Money, debt, repayment. Something that he would have to give to Jesse. "No sir. I'm only doing this to help you." Jesse bluntly answered.

"Don't play dumb with me kid. No one these days are this nice to strangers, kid."

"I know sir. But I'm not like others. I only want to help. No need to repay me with anything." Despite thinking he was being played and scammed, he let Jesse help him. Hearing the man doing much better, Jesse continued his life. With word of the man being employed and getting a weekly pay. However, only just in three days, jealousy among bitter co-workers took his money and life.

A tragic addition to the death count of the world, the world we live in is cold and unforgiving. Take. Steal. Rob. That's all it does. Those of power grow by purloining and thieving from honest working people, the weak, and the poor. They say not to avenge yourself for the 'lord' shall avenge you... Rubbish. The idea of a 'great power' or 'almighty being' will punish the wrong doers. Don't know where. Don't know when. Don't know how. But it will come. Rubbish. Nonsense. That was what Jesse was thinking in his home. Away from the public eye. He did not believe in 'divine punishment', the people that believe in it are just blind. If punishment were to be delivered, it would be delivered by common hands. Not some heavenly hand, not some devilish claw. But by common, human hands. Jesse knew he was a sinner, they all are, we all are in some shape or form. But they tell themselves, they are good, honest, innocent. Like us.

Containing and supressing his inner sin, Jesse continued his days. Helping his friends, both in and out of work, talking to them and interacting with them as if he was pure or completely innocent. They did not know anything about his inner demons. Jesse would share his issues and problems with his friends, but he would only receive basic comfort. "Don't worry. Things will get better.". "I'm sure they will get what's coming to them." Lies. Lies of reassurance to move things on. Moving away from the hate and anger. But not everyone can do that. There will always be a residue of sin in people's hearts. A bitterness, knowing that some sins repeat and get away with their crimes. Over and over again. With no repercussions. Not even a scolding. A colleague suggested to Jesse to make or get a 'good luck' charm, something to give him positive vibes. Superstition was something Jesse did not think he needed, everything had a logical reason and explanation for it happening.

While at work, he overheard a co-worker getting yelled at by their boss. Threatening to cut her pay for slacking at work, she did nothing wrong. She has been feeling tired yes, but from doing multiple jobs to get enough money to feed herself, her son and daughter. She pleaded and begged the boss to not cut her pay, but the boss just mocked her. Unable to take anymore abuse, Jesse entered the boss's office to confront him. Arguing and telling him to reconsider, even though the boss just brushed it off. "Listen Jesse. This is our business. Not yours. Now get back to work." Jesse still kept fighting, to help his poor co-worker. Eventually it turned into a name calling match, with the boss winning. By beating Jesse down, 'reminding him' that he is the boss, and he makes the rules. Rules... There are no rules to tell people how to treat others, and yet people know to be good to each other. So why does the boss think he's better than him and his co-worker. In the end, he is just like them. He has friends, he has family, he has a future and life. Just like them. So why treat them badly?

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