Chapter-4 Our seat

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Now it was the 4th period for the students.
The girls walks into the music room.What they saw makes them stop on their track.
Some guys were sitting on their seats.

"Bruh why are they sitting on our seats" Yoon-ah said.The rest shrugs their shoulders.

"It's fine let's just sit on-" said Jihyun.

"No" Yoon-ah cuts her off.

She then walks up to the boys and tap one of them.

The guy turns around and face Yoon-ah.

"Yes?oooo" the guy said checking her out.

"I am sorry but you guys are sitting on our seat" said Yoon-ah.

"My name's Lucas what's yours" Lucas said totally ignoring what Yoon-ah said earlier.

"Um as long as I remember I don't remember asking for your name" Yoon-ah raise her eyebrows.

"Oh I am so sorry we didn't know this was you guys seat we will moves if you want us to" one of the guy who is known us ten speaks out.

"Uh no it's ok we can just sits at the front row" Seri smiles at ten.

Yoon-ah head shot up and look at Seri with "WHY" face.

Ten smiles back "Ahh ok then thanks".

Seri then drag Yoon-ah to the front row and sits.

Yoon-ah keep staring at Seri with a blank face.

"Come on it's just a seat it's not that important" Jihyun said.

"Yes IT IS those seats were the seats where the teacher never picks on to comes out".

The music door then opened and it revealed Ms.Cha the music teacher.

"Good afternoon class" Ms.Cha said.

"Good afternoon Ms.Cha" the class said back.

"So today we are gonna listens to Clair de lune".

She then starts explaining about that piano piece.

A few minutes later "and that's it" she ends her explaination.

"Does anyone knows how to play this" Ms.Cha asks her students.

The 5 girls smirk and looks at their friend who was a master at those.

The teacher notices " So Eunae is it?Please comes out dear".

Eunae glare at her friends and walks out.
She sits and take a deep breath.

She then softly put her fingers on the piano and starts playing.

The sweet piano sound she was playing touched everyone hearts.

Eunae then gracefully ends the piece.

All of the people in the class claps being impressed by her skills.

Her friends cheers
"Yeap that's Kwon Eunae right there"
"Hooooooo you did it so good"
"Omg unnie you are so amazing".

"Thank you guys" Eunae said.

"Eunae you just impressed me each day" the teacher compliment.

"Thanks Ms." Eunae smile shyly and said.

The teacher then notices "Ooh we have new students here".

The boys were awkwardly sitting when they notices that the attention was now on them.

"Would you please introduce your selfs"

They nods and walks out to introduces them selfs.

"Okay thanks " Ms.Cha smiles.

The boys sit back as soon as they were done.

The teacher then claps "Now guys as you guys know we have a goodbye party for our senior students who are leaving and I want Hyemi,Yoon-ah and Eunae to performs at there".

Eunae confusely looks at the teacher "But Ms.I am not even in the band".

"I know Eunae I know and at this moment you are the only one who can fill the empty spots that's why".

"Empty spots?" Yoon-ah questions.

Ms.Cha then aplogizely looks at the girls and said "I am so sorry to says it just now but only three of you are performing there cause the rest of the band members are busy since they are the seniors".

She then continue "And about the song I know you guys can perfect it in one night so I am not that worried."

The three girls nods.

"Ms. then are we getting new members?"
Hyemi asks.

"Ah about that we are doing an audition for it.Students who want to be in the band will make video showing their talents and sending it to our school website.The results will be out on Monday."

"Ohh okay" Hyemi nods.

Lucas nudge Yang Yang "Oii buddy are you going to audition for it".

"Not sure.I am still thinking about it." he shrugs .

The bell rang reminding that this period is over.

"Good bye class.see y'all tomorrow" Ms.Cha said and walks out.

The students head up to their next class.

"Ugh why can't we be in the same class" Minji whines.

"Come on you still have Seri unnie and Jihyun" Eunae said.

"Oh yeah hehe" said Minji.

They then part ways and went to each of their classes.

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